13 ~ Truth or Dare

Start from the beginning

Silver's thirty seconds were up and she returned to her seat next to Sirius. She turned to him expecting to see his face dripping with jealous, he however had a wicked smirk on his face and pulled the girl into his lap. She gingerly half sat on his lap, he leant forward and whispered in her ear so only she could hear. "Don't move, I've got a problem and if you get up everyone else will see it too." He whispered into her ear, she turned to him puzzled, "Problem?" She fidgeted slightly and suddenly she understood what he meant. She blushed hard and tried to hide her laughter as she turned her attention back to the game which went as follows:

James and Lily had to do a seven minutes in heaven inside of the coat cupboard which started with minor arguments between the two but soon became quiet and was met by cheers from their intoxicated friends. Sirius had to prank one of the first years by turning her quill into some crickets causing her to run out of the common room screaming about crickets in her hair. Silver had to transform into a large spider to creep out some fourth year girls who in the process of running away had knocked over Peter and pushed Sirius out of their way. Ivy had to chug a quarter of a bottle of firewhiskey resulting in her belting out any song that came to mind. Tillie had to get her makeup done by Peter which went horrifically as lipstick ended up all over face and hair, mascara and eyeliner nearly making her go blind and her having green eyeshadow covering her cheeks. Peter had to ask out Jenn Parkenson, a sixth year Ravenclaw who was inside the common room with her friends, she horribly rejected him causing the need for Silver to be held back by James, Sirius and Lily as she attempted to fling herself across the room and rip out the girls cheap highlights. Being assisted by a screaming Tillie who was being held back by Ivy as she was throwing her arms around wanting to hex the girl.

Ivy had decided that it was time for Tillie in her very drunk state to go to bed and took her back to their dorm. Lily went back with them to her dorm too knowing they had lessons the following morning leaving James, Peter, Sirius and Silver singing at the tips of their lungs heavily enticed by the high quantity of alcohol they'd consumed. After receiving multiple complaints from their fellow Gryffindors the remaining Marauders made their way stumbling up the stairs to the boys' dorm.

Peter flopped onto his bed falling into a deep sleep the moment his head touched the pillow. Silver was currently sprawled across the floor in fits of giggles while Sirius was trying to pull James out of the bath tub. "Prongs, if you don't get out of that tub I will turn on the water and let you sleep there." Sirius warned laughing at the boys stupidity. James however snored in responce causing Silver to laugh even harder, "How has he managed to fall asleep in the bath tub?" Sirius shrugged his shoulders chuckling, he picked Silver up from the floor and gently dropped her on his bed.

"Sirius I can't stay, we have lessons tomorrow and all my stuff is in my dorm." Sirius of course took no notice and gripped tighter around her waist pulling her closer into his bed. "Come on Padfoot let me go, Ivy and Tillie will kill me in the morning if I don't go back." Sirius continued to tighten his grip and shook his head. The silvery haired girl crossed her arms, "Sirius Orion Black let go of me this instant otherwise I'll tell Galleon about your little problem earlier and you know how he'll react." Sirius snatched his arms back sulking like a little boy. "Fine then." He sulked and turned away from the girl lying in his bed. Silver groaned and gave in, she climbed under the covers and placed her head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around her smiling smugly. She allowed herself to melt into his hug breathing in his soft scent of leather and honey.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the dorm door opening and shurrinf softly, she looked up to Sirius who alike the two other boys were already in a deep sleep. Silver squinted in the dark to Remus, she watched him wander around the room for a moment ensuring each of the boys were safetly in their beds. When he approached Sirius' bed she closed her eyes pretending to be asleep, she loved Remus and wanted to make up with him desperately but in the middle of the night while her boyfriend and friends were sleeping was not the time to do it. When he glanced over the couple he smiled to himself.

But something on Sirius' nightstand caught his eyes, he picked up the empty potion viles and frowned. Even after he had specifically told them not to, they still purposely went against his wishes. He stormed over to his bed, which was on the right of the room next to Sirius'. Silver watched, her heart aching as she saw the disappointed look on his face, even in the darkness of the room she could see the blood dripping from his wrapped knuckles in the moon light pouring in from the window.

Silver felt a silent tear spill from her eye and flow down her cheek landing and her boyfriends pillow. Her thoughts were consumed by the boys actions as she relived the arguement that had previous that day. She watched step by step the calm to sad and disappointed to anger expressions flooding to the werewolfs face. In that moment she knew it was her fault the boys were in an arguement and she knew that she had to anything she possibly could to make it up to him. Slowly the girl deep in thought drifted off to sleep to the sound of her boyfriends steady breathing, calming heart beat and the thoughts in her head growing quieter and quieter until they were silenced and replaced by her peaceful dreams.

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