12 ~ Back to Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

"Absolutely not! Have you gone mad? I'm not letting you all change into illegal animagi just so you can join me in the shack. For starters it dangerous to even take the potion, never mind be in the same room when I transform. It's illegal, what if you get caught? What if the others find out? No I'm not letting you do it." Remus crosses his arms glaring deeply at the girl.

"Remus, nothing is going to stop us. Not even you so don't even try it." Silver rolled her eyes offering a small amount of the potion to Peter and James who willingly grabbed it. Remus' face was furious, "If you four take that potion I'll never speak to you again." His hands were now in fists by his side, his honey eyes burning into her. She smiled weakly, "Well, I took it when I was younger. I'm already an animagus." Remus stormed out of the room not looking back.

Silver heart sank, she just wanted to help him. She turned back to the boys to take the potion back and dispose of it yet all three of their potions were empty. Her eyes shot up to their grinning faces, "What the hell did you do that for? Did you not just hear him?" Sirius trying to hide the minor pain put his arm around the girl. "Even he knows he's not gonna stop us. He'll get over it eventually." Silver sent him a weak smile, they were interrupted by the yelps of pain from Peters direction. James groaned in pain from his bed as he clutched his stomach in pain. Silver stood from Sirius' bed unsure of what to do or how to help.

She rushed down to the common room to retrieve the boys some glasses of water. When she returned to see all three boys hunched over on the floor, tears stung each of their eyes, James and Sirius refused to let them fall fighting them back through the pain. While Peter allowed them to flow freely, weeping in the corner. She rushed over to Peter grabbing his hand and pulled him into a hug, "It's going to be ok Pete just keep breathing, that's it shhhh." She calmed the boy down helping him up and resting him on his bed.

She checked her watch, from Newts calculations the pain should only last another forty-five minutes. She rushed over to James helping him back into his bed handing him a glass of water. He lead down whining as she placed him down. Silver reached her hand out feeling his extremely high temperature and walked in the direction of the bathroom. She returned placing a cool cloth over his forehead.

Finally she bent down to her boyfriends side. Her heart ached to see him in such extreme pain, "Wow, leaving your boyfriend till last. That's just harsh." He spoke breathlessly, he let out a chuckle and winced in pain. Silver helped him into his bed, She went to get him his glass of water but was pulled back landing on the bed next to Sirius. She turned to look at him, she frown as she looked over how vulnerable his face seemed. He was sweating, his eyes blood shot and glossy. "Please don't leave me."

He whispered into her hair as he pulled her closer cuddling into her placing his head in the crook of her neck. Tears stung her own eyes as she watched the boys she had grown to love all suffering with unbearable pain. "I won't Siri, I'm right here." She closed her eyes and listened to the quick pace of his heart beat. Within time the chaos of the situation resulted in the boys falling into a deep sleep. Soon Silver too drifted off to sleep listening to the calming breaths and heart beats of her boyfriend.

"Will you bloody wake up, I want to see what I turn into." Silver sleepily opened her eyes to see James leaning over her and Sirius, excitement shinning in his eyes. "Shut it, Potter." She mumbled turning over cuddling deeper into Sirius. James sighed as he stormed to the other side of the bed. "Sirius don't you want to find out what you animagus form is?" James spoke shaking Sirius awake. He chuckled into the Veelas hair, Silver strengthened her grip around his waist shaking her head.

"No can do buddy, Princess wants to stay asleep." He held her hand and began tracing patterns with his thumb. "Sirius! I will show Silver the pictures we took back in first year when you stayed round mine for the first time. You know the ones where in the middle of the night you came into my room because you -" Sirius released his grip from the girl and jumped up. "You wouldn't dare!" Silver suddenly got excited and joined the two standing boys. She noticed Peter sitting on his bed laughing at the boys.

"Tell me!" She begged as James smirked to Sirius who was dramatically shaking his head. "Well..." James began as Sirius lunged at him, chasing him round the room. "He pissed himself." James burst out into laughter, Silver's head shot to Sirius who looked mortified. He climbed into his bed pulling the blankets over his head. "I'm never leaving." He mumbled, Silver giggled as she sat on the bed next to him.

"Come on, Siri." Silver cooed as she pulled the covers from his head. He frowned up at her grinning face. She bend down and gently pressed a kiss on his nose. "Now can we find out what you animagus is?" The boy groaned as he climbed out of bed, "Fine but I'm killing James later."

"Ok close your eyes and take a deep breath. Lean back as if your about to fall and you should transform. Watch me and I'll do it first." Silver took a deep breath and fell back, the small Veela was replaced by a silvery,  white tiger. James and Peters eyes widened as they watch the tiger parade proudly around the room before returning back into Silver. "Now your turn, Peter you go first."

The small boy blushed, he took a deep breath and violently launched himself back. His large body hit the floor hard, he yelpedin pain before he slowly transformed. Whiskers began popping out of his chubby cheeks, a long worm like tail appeared and the boy began to shrink. There before them stood a tiny rat as he squeaked scurrying around the room in a panic. Silver scooped him up in her hands and placed him on his bed, "Now take a deep breath and stand up, Peter." She spoke calmly, to rat who slowly transitioned back into a breathless grinning Peter, "I did it." Silver smiled to the boy, "James your up."

The arrogant boy, cockily stood. He closed his eyes and allowed his body to slowly fall backwards. His athletic body soon transformed into that of a large impressive stag with majestic antlers towering over his head. He confidently trotted around the dorm, his hooves clicking against the wood flooring. The stag circled back around and faced the mesmerized group. The stag rose on its hind legs and swiftly morphed back into himself. Malia smiled proudly at him which he returned. She turned to Sirius who had a smug lookon his face, "You're a stag, very impressive James. But just wait I'm gonna be something amazing like a bear or a lion."

Sirius closed his eyes and reflected the same movements James had done previously. His body slowly transitioned into a large black dog. He marched and ran around the room, brushing past Silver's legs tickling her. She strokes across his back before he transformed back into himself. He sent Silver a smug wink, "So go on tell me, what enchanting creature was I?" He smirked. James broke out into a fit of laughter falling onto his bed. Silver in attempts to hide her laughter covered her mouth with her hands. Sirius' smile dropped as he served the pair's responces he turned to Peter, "What animal am I?" He asked worried, Peter smiled sweetly at the boy, "A dog."

Sirius' eyes widened, he turned to Silver who now was laughing so hard she couldn't breath. "Oh for Merlins sake." He grumbled. Silver pulled the boy into a hug, "Awwww don't worry Siri. Don't worry, you're a very cute dog." Sirius pulled away from the girl throwing his arms to the air in defeat. "Not helping!" He mumbled flopping face down onto his bed.

Silver ignored his moans and turned to James and Peter who had finally stopped laughing. "We need to have code names for when we refer to the full moon. " James jumped up from Peters bed and pointed at Sirius, "Mate you're Padfoot." He snickered to himself, Sirius stood and scowled at the boy. "Awww I was thinking Fluffy." Silver giggled as Sirius sighed, "Okay so I'm Padfoot." The Veela giggled and James turned to Peter with a wide grin across his face. "Wormtail." Peter flushed hard and accept the name without complaint. Silver spun around so she was now facing James she pointed her fingers at him with a teasing grin on her lips. "And you're Prongs." James smiled and nodded, "Oh and Remus can be Moony!" She added excitedly. The boys all agreed and thought deeply what to call her. "I like the nickname Newt gave you, Cub." Silver smiled to herself, she had always loved that nickname.

"Well that's it then. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs and Cub." He smiled and the rest of the group mirrored it. "Now why don't we go and join the girls downstairs?" Silver suggested. Sirius snaked his arm around her waist and nodded, making their way down the stairs followed by James and Peter.

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