"No time we need Dean," Jack told them as he checked the door it was locked from inside as Sauvegarde slammed her elbow into the glass reaching in she unlocked it as she formed her crystal weapon into a bow that gave off a soft luminescent glow.

"Let's play," she said as they walked in behind her their guns drawn a ghoul jumped out and Sauvegarde pulled her invisible bow string back as she shot a bright red light shot  into their head as it turned into dust immediately.

"Rania can't do that," Sam stated as she smirked.

"Rania is actually stronger than me," she told him scoping out the area.

"How?," Jack asked confused as she glared at him.

"I'm not telling you," she snapped,"you reek of brimstone,especially now," she told him as they moved forward. Sam was confused by her statement but Jack wasn't,fire and brimstone was in hell, she could smell hell on him but Jack didn't understand why she noticed that ordor on him now.

'Maybe since I'm drawing in Rania's powers my devil side is growing,' Jack thought to himself,hoping the red haired girl didn't figure it out too soon and expose him. He cared for the brothers deeply but he knew they'd abandon him if they found out what he was doing to her. He knew he needed to be strong, stronger than them or any enemy if he wanted to have Rania as his. So he kept quiet as they walked Sauvegarde stopped as she stood on the wall in the shadows she put her finger to her lips then disappeared into the dark corner. Ghouls immediately came out attacking them as Sam and Jack began shooting but there was too many as the familiar sound of a gun clicking reached their ears.

"All out?," a mocking voice asked as they saw a grotesque figure of rotting flesh step forward.

"Take them to the other one, now we're feasting," she commanded as two ghouls grabbed each of them. They struggled against them to no avail as they were dragged down the dirty halls that had a strong ordor of ghoul and fish. Soon large metal doors were opened to reveal a slumped over and beaten Dean.

"Dean!," Sam yelled as they were forced into metal seats and tied up to them. All Dean did was groan in response to his brother.

"Rania knew they were coming," Jack stated aloud thinking to how she told them to keep quiet.

"She's coming back for us," Sam told him," she cares about us."

"Rania does not Sauvegarde," Jack told him not understanding why she'd just leave and not warn them at all,'maybe she does know what I'm doing,' Jack thought to himself,'but why let them be killed too?,' he asked himself as he saw an odd glow coming from the far corner of the room. Sauvegarde popped her head out of the dark corner smiling until she saw Dean.

"My Dean," she cooed running to him she kneeled at his feet wanting to touch him but scared to hurt him. Sauvegarde kissed him bloody lips softly then his head," my dear what have they done to you?," she asked as the sound of a door opening startled them.

"Go,we don't know how many there are or their plans at least we have surprise on our side, so hide," Sam whispered to her as she nodded her head in agreement then stepped back into the shadows and disappeared.

"Well if it isn't the Winchester boys and should be Anti-Christ," the ghouls teased.

"What did you do to my brother?," Sam asked tugging at his restraints as the ghouls mocked an 'oh' at him as if he wasn't frightening.

"Nothing he didn't deserve," one replied as Sam noticed red eyes flash on the other side of the shadow room. Sam was confused as he realized she kissed Dean on the lips and was protecting him.

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