Homeworld bound

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Stevens POV

We land on the warp in my dome, and I start making my way into the house. I notice (y/n) wasn't following, only looking at my garden. "You like it? I uh- actually kind of have plant powers too, but I grew these the natural way." She finally looks at me. "What do your powers do?" I stop. Remembering jasper.

"Show me your power!"

I instantly glowed, "I-" (y/n) only walked forward with an unreadable expression. She lightly grasped my shoulders and stared at me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know it was a trigger." "Huh?" "Well something or someone can trigger feelings, and in your case negative ones...just like me...I-" she trailed off looking away. I bent my head down to her to see if she was ok. Her face showed emotion, sadness or agony, pity, familiarity? It was such an off face, but for being her gem half, she was acting awfully human at the moment.

"We..are very alike Steven." She looked up at him with a knowing stare. She backs off looking down, looking back up. She takes her hand up and a hibiscus flower grows from her hair. Contrasting her green color. She pulls on it, with the snap of the stem breaking Was it growing out of her hair?

"You said you have plant powers, I can control plants, grow them at will, but much like you I do like gardening normally." She hands me the hibiscus. My pink color flushed away. She...helped me? "Could you demonstrate?" She smiles a little, catching me to smile back. I cup the flower in my hand and kiss it, bursting flowers into my hands. "It's more magic body fluids"

her smile fades. "I cried ontop of that cliff one night and found the tree the next morning." I smile. "We kinda are similar...uhm do you wanna actually go inside the house?" She nods. Walking before her we descend the steps and I open the door. The gems are all sitting on the couch talking to jasper. "Steven!!" They all scream. Jasper gets up and salutes. I cringe and start glowing again.

"Dude, where have you been? We couldn't find you this morning" The gems notice the green glow behind him. "Who's she?" Pearl asks. I space out and turn around back to the warp. "Steven..." "Steven, wait!"  "You don't need to go." Garnet says. I make a wall and block them away. "You guys, I love you...but you can't help me anymore." (Y/n) stands at the wall sadly.

"I've been avoiding the only people in whole universe who can..please. Don't follow me. You too jasper...do something better with your life." garnet walks up to the wall. Garnet says "we will always be your family" (y/n) just stares. "Steven. We're very similar. Please. Come back safe." There she was acting all human again. I turned away. "Count on it." And I leave to homeworld.

Your POV

Pearl sighs. "I hope Steven is ok..." you look at her and start leaving. "He's not." "What are you saying? Who even are you?" "I'm saying Steven needs help, but he refuses every form of it he has..." you leave the dome causing everyone to follow. "Steven found my gem and I reformed corrupted. He fixed me and I'm stuck like this because my human half is dead. When I was human I went through a lot of what's Stevens going through...Stevens corrupting. Hybrids have a slow burn affect seemingly and he's slowly getting worse. There isn't much we can do if he won't let us help. He will find a way."

For the next few hours you and the gems talked and learned about eachother and Steven and worried for his safety. Until the sound of the warp stopped us all in our tracks.



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