Chapter 10

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Based on jinnieboo666 's requests. Thank you so much for your wonderful ideas. 🤗
Thank you also to WildIrishRose18 ☺️

Yoongi couldn't believe what he just heard. A trainee has just accused Jimin of stealing his stuff!

The trainee claims that some of his things that he left in the locker room of the dance room, including his designer watch, have been missing since last week. The only people who has access to that area are the trainees, choreographers and an elderly orderly. The trainees are always together. Taemin and Jungkook are currently out of the country. And the orderly is not anywhere near the room when said things went missing. So that leaves Jimin.

"Have you and the trainee reviewed the CCTVs, hyung?", Namjoon asked him as they have their usual morning coffee.



Yoongi took a sip of his coffee before answering his best friend. "We have one suspect."

"Really? That's good, right? Who is it?"


Namjoon was dumbfounded. "That can't be right, hyung. Why would he steal something he can easily afford?"

Yoongi rubbed his temple. "I know it doesn't make sense. But when I think about it, Jimin really wanted that same watch but I forbid him to buy it. He knows I hate it when he asks for his parents money or things. So, maybe he was just desperate? You know how he is sometimes when he really wants something. I don't know, Joon. He was caught on camera wearing the exact watch the trainee was missing. What's another possible explanation?"

Namjoon frowned. "I know Jimin. I know he's used to having his way and getting what he wants. But that was before you helped him be more responsible when it came to his spending. Sure, we tease him a lot for being such a spoiled brat. But I don't think he'd stoop so low as to steal something just to satisfy a want. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of possible explanations why he's wearing a watch identical to the trainee's missing ones."

Yoongi sighed. "Can we... can I deal with this privately first before we take this to HR, Joon?"

"You want to talk to Jimin first? Sure, hyung. But take it easy on him. Make sure to give him the benefit of the doubt. I really don't think he's capable of what the trainee's accusing him of.", Namjoon advised the older as he stood up to go back to his office.

Yoongi just nodded absentmindedly. Work has been really stressful lately and he's exhausted. The last thing he needs is a misbehaving sub.


Back at home, Yoongi couldn't concentrate as to what Jimin's telling him as he stared at the watch on the younger's wrist. Did he really want that thing so bad that he went ahead and stole one just to avoid a punishment? Did he really not think lying and stealing are worse? Did he really think that Yoongi will not find out and that he can get away with it?

"Yoonie? Earth to Yoonie? Are you listening to me? I asked you what food you want Iris to cook for us tomorrow so I can text her.", Jimin said waving his hands in front of Yoongi's face.

"Whatever you want, Jimin."

"Oh, okay. Are you alright? You look really tired. Do you need anything? Maybe you should go lie down and rest. I'll be with you shortly after I take care of our weekly menu.", Jimin told him looking genuinely concerned.

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