Chapter 9

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Yoongi didn't say anything about Jimin's purchase for the rest of the day. He's more disappointed than mad. Jimin did just bought the sneakers but he bought two of the same model but in different colors. Such an unnecessary expense! When will his boyfriend ever learn?

When he got home that night, Jimin's already at home cooking for them. Jimin doesn't cook often despite the fact that he took culinary lessons on a whim when he was in college. His food really is amazing; too bad he's too lazy and just depends on their maid for their meals.

"Yoonie! You're here early. Come and sit. I'm almost done.", Jimin told his boyfriend cheerfully.

Yoongi took off his jacket and loosened his tie. He doesn't really think they should dress so formally at work but Namjoon prefers it since they do hold regular meetings with sponsors and business partners. They should always look professional, the younger CEO argued.

He sighed as he watched his boyfriend put the finishing touches in their dinner. Maybe he can still hold off scolding Jimin for later and just enjoy the sumptous meal the younger prepared for them.

As Jimin laid out their dinner, Yoongi couldn't help but smirk. Galbi Tang, Samgyeopsal and Bibimbap. All of his favorite dishes. Jimin really went all out even with the side dishes. If that isn't an indication of guilt, he doesn't know what is.

"Everything looks good. Thank you, love.", Yoongi told Jimin sincerely and started eating. Jimin hasn't lost his touch as everything really does taste great. He couldn't remember when he'd eaten that much.

Jimin, meanwhile, blushed at the compliment.

"Thank you, Yoonie. I'll cook more often for you."

The couple fell into a comfortable conversation soon after they started eating. Once done, they cleared the table and brought everything to the kitchen. Yoongi offered to do the dishes but Jimin declined saying he knows how tired Yoongi already is so he should just rest.

"Oh, I canceled my purchase this afternoon. Please check your credit card if they reversed the transaction already.", Jimin suddenly said startling Yoongi as he was leaving the kitchen. Well, that was unexpected. And a relief.

"Really? And why is that?", Yoongi trying hard to conceal a smile.

Jimin shrugged as he started on the dishes. "I just realized that I didn't really like them that much. You're right. Maybe I was just trying to keep up with Hobi hyung and I shouldn't. Next time, I'll just buy what I truly like and what suits my style."

Yoongi went and back hugged his boyfriend. "I'm so proud of you, baby."

Jimin giggled. "Thank you. So, can I purchase something else?"

The older groaned. "I should have known. You've seen something else and it's more expensive, didn't you? What is it? And you didn't went ahead and asked your dad to buy the sneakers for you instead, did you?"

"Kidding! I haven't seen anything I like. Yet. And no, I didn't call Appa. Give me some credit.", Jimin answered laughing.

"That's good. I was afraid I had to take you over my knees again tonight.", Yoongi said seriously.

Jimin gave him a tight smile. "Honestly, that was probably the major reason why I had second thoughts. I was looking at my phone thinking if buying them was worth the punishment. Then I remembered how much your belt stung the last time and I had my answer."

"I wouldn't have to punish you if you just stick with our deal, you know. You didn't even have to cancel both. Just one since you already have my permission to buy them.", Yoongi answered.

"I know. I just couldn't help myself earlier. I couldn't decide which color I liked better, so I just bought two of them. But now I know better. Just because Hobi hyung has one, doesn't mean I have to have one too.", Jimin declared as he finished washing the dishes.

Yoongi grinned as he took a clean rag and started drying the dishes alongside Jimin. He's glad that the younger has learned to curb his spending. Maybe his boyfriend deserves a reward tonight. 😉

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