Chapter 6

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None of the boys wanted to go to school the next day but they knew they had to. Mattia wrapped his arm around Kairi's shoulders as they walked into the building.

The four of them walked into their first class together and sat down in their assigned seats, they all just wanted school to be over.

After three long classes they had lunch and they all sat down at a table together with Roshaun and Robert.

Roshaun looked at Alejandro's face with his jaw dropped and tapped Robert's shoulder which caused him to look up from his phone and look at Ale's face with the same shocked expression.

"Bro what happened?" Robert asked and Ale didn't even get to respond before Alvaro took over for him. "It's handled don't worry." That's all he said before they dropped the subject.

They all quietly ate lunch, everyone except Alvaro he was buy laying his head on Alejandro's shoulder. One of Ale's hands was playing with his hair while he was eating.

A group of white teenage boys walked up to their table with one boy in particular standing in the front.

"So are you guys just a group of fucking fags?" The boy in the front asked them and Mattia felt his blood boil.

Alejandro was more worried about the guy to the left of their little "Leader". It was the same guy who fucking hurt Alvaro.

"Yeah we are. Is there a fucking problem?" Alejandro stood up in front of them.

"Oh look the little faggot threw one punch and thinks he's big now." Alejandro was about to swing but Alvaro pulled his arm away.

"Ale please just leave it, let's just eat." He tried to reason with him but the white boy just didn't know how to fucking keep his mouth shut.

"Yeah listen to your little faggot boyfriend." Alejandro lost it but before he could throw the punch the boy was already on the ground with Mattia on top of him, punching him as hard as he could.

Kairi tried to pull Mattia off but Alejandro had to help him, they eventually got him up but not until after Mattia fucked up the guys face. His friends already ran away by the time the boy was able to get away.

"I had it handled Mattia." Alejandro said after letting go of him.

"I know you did but you already got to fight for us a couple days ago and besides I couldn't fucking stand hearing him talk anymore."

Mattia had a bloody lip and Kairi was wiping it with a napkin. "Kai, baby, i'm fine." But Kairi kept wiping the blood away.

"Fuck it. We're leaving." Roshaun said before they all got up and left the cafeteria and out the schools back door towards the street.

"Wanna go to my house Kai Kai?" Kairi nodded and they all started walking in the direction of Mattia's house.

When they got there they weren't expecting Mattia's mom to be there but she was. And she looked a little shocked when she saw them all walk through the door.

But when she noticed her son with a bloody lip, school seemed irrelevant at that point.

"Mattia what happened?!" She practically yelled as she ran over to him.

"Some white kids were calling us fags and taunting Alejandro so I got into a little bit of a fight." Kairi mumbled 'little is an understatement' but Mattia just lightly elbowed him.

"Go clean your face and i'll make you guys some food." She shooed them away.

"But mama, we just ate lunch." Mattia tried to argue.

"Okay?" That's all she said in response before pushing them all in the direction of Mattia's room.

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