Chapter 4

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Alvaro didn't want to go to school the next day but his mom was forcing him to anyway. Alejandro waited outside his door to walk with him like he did everyday, but today things were off.

Alejandro had a black eye and a bruise on his chin, but he still had a smile on his face when he saw Alvaro.

"Oh my God, baby what happened?" Alvaro had fear in his eyes as he was met with a bruised Alejandro.

Alejandro looked confused before the realization hit him, "Wha- Ohhh, I told my dad about what happened at the diner yesterday and he kinda found out that i'm gay. I don't think he's to happy about it but I don't care, I love you and I did what was right."

Alvaro looked like he was about to start crying but Alejandro just pulled him into a hug, "Baby i'm okay, everything is okay. Let's go." But Alvaro shook his head pulling Alejandro's arm towards the house.

"No we're asking my mom to let you stay with us. You're not safe there." Alvaro pulled him towards the house.

"Baby I can't ask your mom to do that for me, I'll be fine." Alejandro tried to reason with him but Alvaro wasn't taking any other response.

"You may not be able to ask her but I can. This isn't just for you this is for me too." Alvaro walked into his kitchen where his mom was making breakfast.

"Alvaro no you can't stay- Alejandro sweetie what happened to you?!" She immediately ran over to him and took his face into her hands to examine it.

"It was uh a fight with my dad, he doesn't like that i'm dating Alvaro." She had a big frown on her face as she kissed his forehead.

"Mama, can he please stay with us? I don't think he's safe and- and I don't want him to get hurt." He looked like he was gonna start crying again so Alejandro pulled him into hug.

"Of course baby, you guys don't have to go today, go set up in your room so there will be space. Alejandro when does your dad leave for work?" She asked the boy, shooing her son to go set up his room.

"He already left." She nodded, "Okay we'll go get some clothes from your house so you can stay here, okay honey?" Alejandro nodded and went to help Alvaro.

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