46 ~ The Hospital

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I felt heartbroken when I saw her lying in that small bed. She was bruised all over her body and she lost a lot of weight. Her father was going to pay for this dearly as I know his name. I sat there with her for ages but she didn't wake up once.

I felt like there was no life even though she was breathing slowly and when I asked the doctor why she wasn't waking up, he only said to give her some time as she had been through a lot. She was deeply traumatized from everything. I called her parents who came rushing to the hospital the second I called them.

They were devastated when they saw her and Mike even cried whilst brushing away some hair on her forehead. It was heartbreaking and he didn't want to leave but his wife persuaded him by telling him that I would call them if there was any news. He would've stayed but his health wasn't really allowing him.

The lads came visiting as well a few times with flowers and presents and they always gave me a hug to show me they were here for me if I needed anything. They even brought me my clothes and necessities, they were really my brothers and they didn't even said anything about me having to promote the album and when I asked them about it they told me it was postponed till Sam was up and walking again. They actually didn't mind to have some more free time if you'd asked me but they would never admit it.

You could exactly see when she was having nightmares because her heartbeat picked up when she had one and that was a really terrifying sight as she was moving around like crazy when she had a nightmare but I couldn't do anything to help her. I did got into bed with her when she had a nightmare and just hold her by telling her it was going to be alright and that she was safe.

She only calmed down when I pressed my lips on her head, which made me feel really lucky but I didn't know how she was going to react when I had to tell her she couldn't get pregnant again and it was something I was really struggling with because I always wanted a big family of my own. I mean she can't help this of course but it's a bit of a downer to think of it and yes I know there are a lot of option but to have your own child it's like nothing in this world.

I was getting sleepy whilst holding her in my arms when suddenly she squeezed my hand. "Sam?" I said softly and that's when I heard it. She was crying and she turned a bit so that her face was on my chest and I just hold her "It's alright Love, you're safe" I soothed her but she didn't stop crying this time and I let her get it all out whilst rubbing her back and kissing her head a few times.

"I love you so much" she said through her tears and I was shocked to hear her voice because it sounded so weak. I couldn't deal with it anymore and I broke down as well.



Thank you for reading my story <3

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