"I'll make you proud, Senpai." Aphmau announced toward the poster of her one and only true love, Levi Ackerman. His cold, hard stare gave her, once again, nothing in return. Tough love.

She hastily moved away the boxes toward the walls until she finally had access to her front door again. Smiling at her job well done, she went back to the yearbook and packed it away. Maybe everyone was going to stay the same as they were in highschool. That's not so bad, right? Sure, their lives may had changed a bit since then, but at least Aphmau and her friends would stay their same unique selves as they had before.


In the main lobby of the apartment building, Garroth and Laurance were making their way out and to the grocery store, and a certain black haired girl soon became the center of their conversation.

"I'm telling you Garroth, something is up with Aph. Every time we've seen her, she's always telling us she's too busy to talk and is always either locked in her apartment or somewhere that only Irene knows," Laurance huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You don't think Aphmau's got a boyfriend, do you?" Garroth asked, hoping it wasn't true, but the absolute absurdity of his statement made Laurance stop in his tracks outside the building.

"What? No, of course not!" he yelled before going silent, "But...maybe it might be true. Aphmau is an amazing person. Any guy would fall for her, but look at us! We're the people that fans fight over. Tall, luxurious, and handsome. The boys next door, literally! There's no way that Aphmau could possibly resist us. Laurmau and Garmau fans couldn't take it if Aph went for someone else." The passion was practically dripping from his voice, and he had posed himself in a way that made it appear as if he was reaching for the heavens.

"Yeah, but what if she did date someone else?"

Laurance retracted his stance.

"Well, shoot, who do you think it could be? There aren't a lot of people we know that could possibly be competition for us." Garroth paused for a minute, thinking deeply.

"You're right. It's pretty stupid of us to think that Aphmau could actually be dating someone!" The two boys laughed at one another before turning back toward the grocery store, but they stopped in their tracks once again at the sound of his voice.

"Hey guys," Aaron greeted as he walked through the lobby doors.

Garroth and Laurance both turned to look at Aaron's fleeting figure and then back toward each other.

Oh. My. Irene.

The one man who could ever compete with the two love-driven boys was Aaron freaking Lycan.

Forget food, the only thing these boys needed to live was Aphmau. With that in mind, Garroth and Laurance chased after Aaron to confirm their suspicions. Both of them pleaded to Irene, hoping that their love-clouded thoughts weren't a reality.


Aphmau had turned her mess of boxes into a more organized mess by the time Aaron got to her door. At least now the two could move around more freely in the apartment. She smiled at Aaron as she let him in. It was nice to have a friend help her with all of this. She didn't know if she could take much more of this situation by herself.

"Hey, Aaron!" Aphmau greeted happily, "Thanks again for helping me out with this. You're a real lifesaver." Aaron smiled back at her.

"Again, it's no problem. I'm glad to help, so where do you want me to start? Is there anything you don't want me packing up?" Aphmau thought for a moment before deciding she was as clean as a fiddle, not a secret to hide.

A Bittersweet MystreetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora