Chapter 2

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"I don't know who he is I just told you that he was staring at me" I told gabby as we were sitting on my bed.
"Well if he was in V.I.P how come you don't know who he is known people be over their"she said rolling her eyes and I just shrugged. I don't really care who he is because I don't want a relationship I rather be in my lonely all people do is whine about how bad their relationship is and plus I'm pretty sure he wasn't even worried about me, he just like the way I danced on the pole...they all do.

"I'm not goin to go crazy over a stranger lots of people stare at people at the club" I said but deep down his stare was intense I thought maybe it held something more.

"Your right he probably doesn't even remember you lots of strippers are  at the club" she laughed I was kinda taken back but slightly laughed along too ..I'm not interesting so she's not lying.

"What if maybe I see him again do I say anything or..never mind" she looked at me like I had told a joke.
"Do you have a crush" I straight faced her

"If I don't know him how am I going to have a crush" I said getting off the bed putting my phone to charge

"Your talkin about him a little and a lot" she said moving her eyebrows around
"Nope. I'm just curious in who he is but if it makes you think that's I like him then I'll stop" I said lowly sitting on the bed ready to go to sleep and wait for my shift.
"Mhmm okay girl ima head out I gotta date with someone from the club" she said all jolly. I don't know if it's me but I don't want a typical relationship with the corny men and cringe pickup lines and only physically pleasure I want someone to fill me physically,mentally, and emotionally but that's hard to find.
"Okay be safe, text me if anything" i said already closing my eyes and getting comfortable.

Few hours later
"Do I really wanna go" I asked myself one day won't hurt me but the money kinda makes me less lonely ...Not. I'm going ima just be a bottle girl tonight.
As I got in my car I was thinking about the stare I'm probably over exaggerating but it was really something to me .I finally go to work I pulled up and went inside.
"Hey milly" the bouncer said I gave him a nice smile and responded hey back. Heading into the changing room but got bumped I seen it was frank he was in charge of keeping and making sure we do what we have to do.
"Milly just  the girl I was looking for I heard you went crazy in V.I.P I want you there again today"
I just stood there I didn't want go again I frowned.

"Today I.....I'm cycling so I was going to do bottle girl tonight" I lied I wasn't cycling I jus didn't want to say no.
"Well bottle in V.I.P then I gotta go" he left me standing there dumbfounded I mentally cursed myself out all I had to say was no I don't wanna do v.i.p but I just stood there.

"Hey guys sorry to bother y'all but do any of you have concealer" I asked softly and one of the girls said yes and gave it to me and I gave a thank you. Now time for me to go to v.i.p I hate it there the money go hard but the attention go even harder.

p I hate it there the money go hard but the attention go even harder

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I took the bottle heading up to the V.I.P section see some of the people from yesterday there looking around I checked to see if "he" was here I don't  why I'm curious to see him.
"Aye girl come here" somebody said and I went to their section with the bottle
"How may I help" I said with a smile but it dropped once he said
"You a bottle girl what else I want  you for" he sad laughing joking with his friends. I don't even know who this fat fuck is and he's being rude.I felt my face heat up
"You don't have to be rude that was uncalled for now if you want the drink take it" I said ready to walk away but someone grabbed me
"Ion know who you taking to but you must not know who Iam"
"I don-
I was cut off mid sentence
"Dibo leave her alone aye ma show me to the bathroom the ones in here full." Someone said I looked at them and seen it was the mystery I was looking for. We were walking in silence around the club to the bathroom he was behind me I could feel him at my back but I just shook it off.
"Umm here's your destination" I said he nodded a went to the bathroom but I noticed before he went in he looked me in my eye like always. I think I'm delusional because I'm over exaggerating over eye contact. I don't know why but I waited for him to get out like a weirdo and thought let me go and was gonna began walking.
"Where you goin? You not gone wait ma I thought you was sweeter than that" he said lickin his lips at me
"I-I mean I was but t-then I was-
"You good" he said looking around then back at me more like deadass staring like we was just standing and he was lookin and I was over here tryin to avoid the gaze
"Maybe we should go" I said trying to get away from this awkward moment.
"Why" he said with this deep voice leaning on the wall.
"I mean we're not talking" I said finally lookin at him and his eyes when it reached mines again it's like it went to a deeper color

"Mhmm ok" then he started walking without even telling me

"Could've told me" I mumbled
"I know but where's the fun in that" he said turnin around causing me to bump into him while he looked down at me he lifted up my chin and licked his lips
"Let me get yo number"
"Ion like they way you askin" I said crossing my shoulders he looked at me and chuckled turning around and walking again.. I - damn he so quick on his feet and rude to keep leavin me like this then we made it back to V.I.P and went our separate ways. For the rest of the night we bottles girls jus kept serving drinks I gotta lot of tips and money and it time for me to leave as I left I looked around just to look around and seen mystery sitting there smoking a blunt while looking at me and this time I waved him goodbye like a lil kid ...I'm embarrassing.

A half an hour later
"Okay bye guys have a goodnight" I then decided I need to pee and went the bathroom and did what I had to do and was about to exit out as soon as I got out I was lightly pushed on the wall.When I tell you I was scared for my life I was scared then the person let go of me I was ready to give them a piece of my mind until I seen it was "him" again.
"Why'd you do that I got scared I abrely know you" I rambled I was frustrated
"I mean why not" he shrugged lookin at me
"I told you I want your number" he said passing me his phone
"Well I don't want to give it to you you pushed me on a wall and scared me" I mumbled and he lifted up my chin looked me in my eyes leaning down just a inch away form my lips givin it a small glance and licked his lips before backing up and said
"I don't bite mamas" and the way he said it was so smooth.
"O-okay But only because you stood up for me earlier that's my thank you" I said puttin it down in his phone and right when I did that he was already walking away didn't even say goodbye and I didn't even get a name.

"O-okay But only because you stood up for me earlier that's my thank you" I said puttin it down in his phone and right when I did that he was already walking away didn't even say goodbye and I didn't even get a name

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We litt here you guys go and trust me nothing serious is gonna happen in the next few chapter because I don't wanna rush it like my other book so we gon take out time 🙈🥰but comments and   vote babes 😘😘😘

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