KenoLing Side Story 2

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The man who was told the truth...

Tom eased into Keno's home office and stood by the door waiting. He felt awkward and uncomfortable being here, especially now that he was sure about his decision. He didn't want to face this man when he felt a secret shame.

"Why are you standing by the door? Come and sit down." His voice was soothing but there was still steel behind it.

"Why did you want to meet me?"

"Sit down." Sighing, Tom sat. His eyes finally landed on the folder on the table before they jumped back to Keno. His face was carefully blank and a nasty feeling settled in the pit of Tom's stomach.

"The first thing I want to tell you is that I am proud of you." These words dropped into the room like a bomb and made Tom shocked. He sat back heavily and shook his head.

"Why? I'm going against ever_"

"Stop. Do not think of it as going against us. That is not what this is all about. We all choose the life that we feel is fit for us. Before I was an assassin, now I am a business man. Sure my businesses are illegal but that can change. I simply haven't found the reason to do that. Besides which, my contacts in certain agencies require me to keep the front that I do."

"Huh?" Lost on that last bit, Tom sat up. What did Keno mean by 'certain agencies'?

"Don't worry about that. My point is that I am very proud of you for choosing what makes you happy. This is all I want for you, your happiness. You know that right?"

"Yes. I know." Tom said softly as he remembered what Keno had told him that night 2 years ago. "I haven't forgotten. I also want you to know that I haven't changed my mind either. Your my choice. I'll be back in two years. I'm not going to change my mind."

Keno nodded then sighed and for the first time looked tired. It made something in Tom's chest sink. Something was about to happen and he had a feeling he wouldn't like it one bit.

"I have something to show you. It's up to you whether you read this here or in your room for privacy. I already know the contents of this. I have lived it. I'm giving this to you now because I promised myself I would a long time ago."

Tom took the folder. It said Napian Thomas Charnmanoon and a date 13 years ago underneath that.

"Some of the information in there can be found online but I would rather you read it from here first so as not to be confused."

"Ok." Tom said softly. "Thomas was always my name?"

"Thomas is the English name I use and the name I gave to you." He pointed to the name on the folder and told a little lie that was also his truth. "This was just a coincidence." Thomas may have already been his name but when Keno called him that, he was only thinking about himself.

Tom nodded, took the folder and slowly walked out. He stepped into Tan's room and went over to his closet. It was empty anyway. He switched on the light that was installed just for him and climbed in, not saying a word to the room's occupant. 

Tan watched his back and shook his head. Now a grown man with a software company, Tan was no longer the sloppy boy who lived in his room and neglected his personal hygiene for gadgets. He even had a lover though he hadn't told anyone in the family. She was a really sweet girl and he had had her thoroughly investigated. 

In the closet, Tom sat and opened the folder. The first thing he saw was a missing person's report for himself and a woman aged 25. She was the new wife is a Senator and he was the man's young son. After that report, he saw the pictures. He was naked on top of a table and lying on the remains of a cardboard box. There was blood and a young boy in black was looking down at him. He wasn't sure how but he knew the boy was Keno despite the older man having an extreme glow up. 

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