Special Chapter 2: Tin and Cantaloupe Forever

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Can stared out the window, eerily silent, his face impassive. Phu watched him with concern, smart enough to know where Can's thoughts were. He was only a kid but he had insisted on going to his father's trials and knew how much they affected his uncle.

His father's obsession with Can began a long time ago. While attending a dinner, Tin had been called home to speak to Tri. He had been told Can was in his father's study. When he had arrived home, he had met Tul first, face busted, eyes red. 

Can, while home stressing over Tin's big dinner because he couldn't be there, had received a series of videos from an unknown number, filming a pretty blond girl having sex with a hidden individual. She moaned and screamed Tin's name in the height of her pleasure, making Can sick to his stomach. Can thought, wasn't so easily fooled. He wasn't the type to just believe something like that. 

He did what he always did. He called Tin to hear it from the horse himself. Tin answered right away, the sounds of chatter and dining coming through the phone clearly. Can had cursed, immediately understanding what had been done. He cut the call, not even answering when Tin called back more than once because he was now so hyper focused on his intentions that he couldn't think beyond the moment, the feelings of intense rage and pain on Tin's behalf.

Arriving at the house, he had flung money at the taxi driver and rushed in. Tul, exiting the house at that time had been met with a hyper pissed Albino Monkey whose strong feet had connected to his face after accusing him of being an absolute jerk of an older brother and promising him the beatdown of his life. 

Only the butlers present had protected Tul from experiencing much worse. It was Tri appearing that forced them to let Can go and he hadn't hesitated in landing 2 more punches on Tul just to remember him by.

In the end, Tri had called Can into his office and they had waited for Tin there. Imagine his shock to find Can speeching his father off and threatening to expose Tul. He flashed his evidence, fake pictures of Tin and the most recent sex video.

"If I were a disloyal lover, I could have sold this to the media or posted this online. Did he not think I know my Tin's body? As thought I wouldn't spot the fact that this person is missing the mole Tin has on the right side of his back!"

To say that Tri had not seemed sincere or even shed a tear would be a lie. The man had acted as though he was unaware of Tul's mechanisms or that his actions placed Tin is so much danger. He had simply claimed that he wanted Tin to be free and Tin had used that chance to claim his freedom to love Can. To say that their lovemaking had been explosive that night would be an understatement. Even the ever hyper Can had felt that night for about a week.  

But, in the end, nothing really changed. Tri seemed to approve of Can and even treated him kindly. Then the incident happened when Tin was away. The men that had come into their first home and tried to hurt Can. It wasn't just Can who had been in the house but Lay as well. They had both been up and had hidden themselves in the panic room. It was the reason why Tin had gotten that place. Even their current home had one. Well 3 actually. 

Not to mention the incident that Phu had interrupted. Can had really been scared for that one. Tul and Tri he handled easily but this man had been an unknown and he had been strong. Even worse, Can's resistance excited him even more, making him seem even stronger. Can had never really been a victim until that moment and he hadn't taken it well at all. Even Tul abducting him hadn't made him so afraid.

"Mae." A soft voice called and Can turned, startled.

Phu wrapped his hands around Can's neck. "I thought that would get your attention. You have been thinking like this for days. I am worried about you."

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