What Happened In The Night

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Koda wasn't just your average chef. He had been found by Tin when he was at his lowest moment. He had become addicted to his pain medication after suffering a serious back injury in in his freshman year of high school. Back then wrestling was the thing he enjoyed the most. The competition from the other school had pulled a shifty maneuver that cost him the game and almost cost Koda his life.

While recuperating, computers became his main attraction. He had always been good at it, as though code was like a second language to him but, the passion and the drive to develop that skill just wasn't there. However, with nothing else to do for a while, Koda started messing around, and before he knew it, he had fallen into the trap of idle hands and became hooked.

He figured out quickly how to get illegal porn, other movies, and pictures. Visiting friends were willing to buy his stash and he horded the money. He even found a way to piggy back off of several of his neighbours routers so anyone watching wouldn't figure out it was him downloading the games and vids. 

When Koda went into withdrawal after he was declared healed, one of his 'clients' noticed the symptoms. He realized, with some careful questioning, that Koda had no idea what he had been on and how it was affecting him. He took advantage of this and offered a trade. If Koda took a hit of his bong and it worked to ease the shakes, then they could trade. A porn movie for a baggie. After all he particularly liked Chinese movies and they were the hardest to get.

This went on for almost a year before the same guy took Koda to a club and introduced him to his Boss. Intimidated, Koda allowed himself to be talked into snorting coke. The new feeling from this was too good to pass up and he agreed to lend his skills to the Boss in exchange for money. With some personal training from the Boss's best techie, Koda learned way more than he thought he would and, with the drug addiction on top of it, dug himself into a hole that he realized he was incapable of digging himself out of.

He contacted the police in secret. This was his first cry for help. Once he feed them all the information, he was arrested just like everyone else, tried just like the others, but unlike the rest, only received 2 years jail time and 5 years mandatory community service. By that time Koda was only 18 years old.

He served the two years and got his high school diploma while there. He also continued to trade for drugs because it was easy to do where he was.

When Koda got out, his mom refused to have him back. He had to stay at a community hostel type placement. He got a job and started taking college classes but the addiction kept him low on cash and in the end he dropped out.

Then he lost his job.

Then he couldn't pay the mandatory rent.

Then he just... disappeared.

The police began looking for him, he had community service to finish. Evidence of him committing petty theft kept streaming in yet he was impossible to find. Sometimes he would disappear for months then a rash of theft then nothing. 

More than once he had overdosed and seen the light before he was pushed away by God back to the earth. Every time he woke, he would rail at himself and cry, and promise himself that he wouldn't do it again, but he always did. Until the night he almost didn't wake up, and when he did, he found himself, soiled and close to death.

His moans were soft at first, before they became louder, until they were heard by a young man in a long coat who had just bought the warehouse property he was currently trying to die in.

Tin walked in, found Koda, got him to the hospital, and listened to his plea for help. He cut him a deal. And they never looked back.

Now here he was sitting in a van, preparing to do unlawful things for Tin and Can, and he was totally ok with it.

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