Unexpected Developments

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Ae walked in sometime after 7. Pete looked over at him with a smile. He had been waiting for his lover to get back from the police station after opening up his storage room and giving them all the statues he had created. 

Since everything was now out in the open, Ae had finally admitted to making the statues for Can and also to why they had done it. While he wasn't going to be arrested for it, he did get a mark against him for withholding evidence. Pete also figured Ae would be a part of the trial that would surely happen. And there was going to be one. A big stinky mess of one. 

It shocked the world when Tri had insisted on it.

Nowhere, in any of the evidence, was Tri implicated. That was the thing that bothered everyone the most. 

There was no proof that he was an accomplice or that he had knowledge of any of the incidents that had happened or the crimes Tul had committed. Even Can couldn't be sure that he knew Tul was going to throw him to that man because he had left after letting the man walk into the room they had held him in. When Can had done his mad dash through the house before being cornered at the front, not once had he seen Tri but he had seen Tul.

The smiling, glee filled face of Tul.

"What happens now?" Pete stood and walked in front of Ae. He was pulled in for a hug then released as Ae headed to the kitchen. He was hungry more than anything and terribly thirsty to. Pete followed, waiting for an answer to his question.

"Don't know. I'll just take direction from whoever gives it to me." Ae finally answered after drinking some water.

"OK. I had my doctor's appointment today. I'm on track. I can do any activity now that I want to."

"Oh?" Ae grinned, glad that his patience had paid off big time. He contemplated his options and realized if he wanted to eat it would have to be food first and Pete for dessert. As much as he would love to ravish his lover, he was too hungry and too tired. He had been at it since 7 without rest.

"Yep. There's dinner waiting for you on the warmers. Also lunch is in the fridge if you want to warm it up."

"Good. I think I'll have dinner first and then see if I have room for lunch. After that, I'll unwrap my dessert." The smirk on Ae's face made Pete shiver. 

They both smiled before a voice said, "Not so fast you two. I would still give it a couple of days before I go at it the way I hear you two tend to do." Cassie walked into the kitchen with a stern face.

"What if we take it easy?" Pete asked with a begging face. Ae, already looking forward to having his way, gave Cassie a deadly glare. She wasn't fazed.

"Can you take it easy?" She looked at Ae when she asked this and he answered her with a firm yes. She frowned. 

"I still think you should wait but if you can go easy on him then I'm ok with it. You have another week home right? We need to meet and discuss some things. The persons on our list have been very quite since the incident was publicized. With Tul's matter now blowing up the airways, they may anticipate us to be distracted. Did you notice anything Ae, while you were out?"

"No. I was with the police the entire time and I made sure to ask Ling to help me watch for suspicious persons while we were out. Neither of us noticed anyone suspicious nor any vehicles constantly behind or ahead of us."

"Good. Ok. What are your next appointments?"

"I have to meet a client tomorrow." Ae said around his dinner.

"I have to stop by the hotel for a couple of hours. I still have a meeting that was put off. I don't like to have potential staff interview at the house. I'm not spending the day though."

The Man I Became... Because of You (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang