Wild Things

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After spending the day with Mae and everyone, catching up with Yim and just relaxing, I find myself in a state.

It's time to go home.

It's time to be with Pete. My mind anticipates this immediate, my body hardening and my heart racing. I swallow and take a deep breath to calm down before I start our goodbyes to Yim. Her cute face falls but Pete immediately reasures her before I can. He's good at it.

Once we get in the car, its silent and I imagine we are both lost in our own thoughts.

Is it too soon to be doing this? Should we wait and give ourselves more time? Do I want to wait?

The answer to that last question is no for me. Even though the both of us have grown and changed, we still have that base we developed from the start. We haven't changed that much that we would be uncertain about making love this soon.

I used to dream about Pete while he was gone. My body remembered his so perfectly that the dreams were as vivid and solid as if he was right beside me. I remembered the weight of him so well, the feel of his hands on me and mine on him. The sounds of his cries as we connected over and over. It would drive me crazy when I woke and he wasn't there, the musky memory of his sex scent still in my nose.

Pete always smells like a garden, all soft earth and flowers. After sex his scent would change like freshly cut grass and newly turned earth. Like sweat and flower musk. Its hard to describe but my nose knows it so well that I can conjure it from memory.

I think back to what I have home we can use and realize I'm lacking quite a bit. My shower lube is almost empty and the small bottle I keep by the bed was supposed to be replaced since I finished it the night I tan away from Pete.

That had been crazy too. My body had refused to calm down and I had to work my little brother about 5 times before I could even relax enough to just rest, never mind sleep.

I used to have condoms. I got some for her. I know for sure I threw those out because they had expired. That leaves me with nothing. Not good enough.

I need to protect Pete always. I need condoms because it would provide some safety until I can get my regular check up and tests done to show I'm clean. Sure I used protection with her but one can never to careful enough. Maybe I should call this thing off?

Even as I think it, my mind rebels, already sweeping building signs for a pharmacy. I spot one finally and pull over, telling Pete to give me a moment. I stride in and go directly to the condoms. I need the latex free ones for me because I've a mild allergy to it. Then I look at the lube. On a whim, I get one regular and one chocolate flavoured.

Yep. Chocolate lube is a thing aparently.

The girl behind the register winks at me when I present my find. I smile and shake my head when she asks me if I think one box will be enough. There are 30 condoms inside. What does she take me for?

In the car, Pete is blushing and I explain why I went in even as the tension skyrockets inside me.

I haven't been with Pete for just about three years. What the hell do I do if I fuck this up so bad that he leaves? And why the fuck do I feel like I'm back in collage and this was our first night? I don't even remember being this nervous back then.

I take another deep breath to calm myself and Pete's natural scent just rushes right through me. It actually calms me down and centers me. I glance over at him for a second and our eyes lock before I turn back to the road.

I see everything in them that I am feeling right now. This makes me feel even steadier.

I park the car and take Pete's hand as we climb. I can feel his fingers twitching in mine and I squeeze his hand. We get to my apartment and slip in. I lead him to the room and close the door.

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