A Proposal

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I walked into the police station calmly. I know the detectives had nothing on me so I wasn't nervous or worried. I was super curious about what they wanted to ask me thought.

Before I continue, let me backtrack just a little bit. The last time you saw us was at a pub dealing with Dali. That was Friday night. Pete and I went out on a bike date and picnic Saturday. We didn't hear a word from Dali until that night when she called and said her father told her she attacked me at a pub but she doesn't recall it. 

Typical of Dali, she ran her mouth then left the chat before Pete could get a word in. I noted she didn't try to contact me to apologize. She did however, tell Pete she would be coming to the hoteliers event for work reasons, she just found out. Not only that, she declared herself his date. Then she was gone.

I told Pete he couldn't go with her because I was going with him. We both just felt kind of lost. It actually reminded me of the situation in University with Chompoo only way worse. Dali was an absolute bitchy type, I could tell.

Sunday saw us both just lazing around and making out. I really enjoyed that. Then we went to my home and had dinner with everyone. That's when I got the call to come here anytime after work. So here I am, walking through the doors and asking for Detectives Dami and Ling. 

"Thanks for coming in, Intouch."

"Only my mom calls me that when she's pissed. Ae is fine."

"Hummmm. Is this your work?" I look at the statue they bring out and laugh.

"It's a really good copy. Who did this? This was one of my first pieces and I accidentally destroyed it when it fell off my bike. I was bringing it home to my mom."

"You posted a video of the original on IG. We had someone recreate it."

"They did an outstanding job."

"Yes but they couldn't quite match your fluidity. Ae. We know you made the statues. It's there in the details you left in this specific piece." A picture of the baggie slides across the table.

"By highlighting this detail, your skills became too transparent. However, we actually have a proposition for you. We have a bigger set of fishes to fry."

"Oh?" Now I make myself look annoyed as fuck. "Look, I'm sick of saying I didn't do the damn statues." Am I really that terrible of a liar?

"Ae. How do I break this to you? Ok, you making or not making those statues is not as important to us as catching the Medthanets in illegal activities."

"Tin would nev_!" The irony of my defending this guy is not lost to me. I never thought this day would come and I almost choke on my own spit.

"Excluding that one. We actually want you, or whoever did it, to continue antagonizing the Medthanets. We would like them to be distracted and we need your help to do that."

"Let me get this straight. You want me, or the person you think is me really, to continue to heckle the Medthanets so they wouldn't see you coming from the back."


"You do realize you could be passing on information to the wrong person right?"

"Call it instinct. I think your the guy I need. I mean it's not like we have any evidence to prove it was you other than this. The line work here is almost identical but it still doesn't prove it was you. It simply proves that the person who did this either has a similar style or admires you enough to try and copy your work. That's not unheard of."

"No, its not unheard of. But have you ever considered that this person is copying me to frame me too? That's a real possibility." Detective Ling opens his mouth and Ae waves him off. "Look. I can heckle them in my own way so that's not a problem. After all I have Can. Between the two of us, we can accomplish a lot of distracting. This other party thought, your going to have to find another way to connect with them because I don't know."

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