To Prove One's Self

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Chapter 14

The more Angel went into the porn studios, the more he warmed up to the job.
It was a whole other world when you were running the place and not imprisoned there.
In fact, he liked it so much, he decided to take on the workload and keep it running. Vox was pretty stupid outside of the tech and media portion anyways, so the business was going to crumble regardless. Another perk to taking the job, Angel now owned all of Valentino's property, turf, funds, so on and so forth, meaning the building was now his, all of the money was now his, and he'd made a few contracts with now employees. There weren't many yet, but the numbers were rising fairly quickly the more the jobs were advertised.

It was going to take a while before everything was perfectly operational again, but that was to be expected with the new system the arachnid started.
It was just amazing how stupid Valentino was in running the place.

Angel knew he was disorganized under the surface, but even what he saw before was nothing compared to the actual disaster that spread to the very roots of the industry.
It was going to take a long while to get it all sorted and to the new overlord's liking.

Angel sat in the living room, scrolling the news for anything of interest while taking a day off after a week and a half of nonstop work.
During that time, Nothing seemed to happen to Angel in terms of inheriting any of Valentino's powers; which wasn't much of a disappointment, if he was honest. 
All Valentino was really able to do was control and manipulate the minds of lesser beings than himself and it turned out that he was always exposing his full demon form. 
He truly wasn't a demon to be feared, which made Angel feel rather stupid for fearing the piece of shit. 

It had been quite a while since the duo had that special moment in the kitchen, dancing away to the music; the two of them unsurprisingly hadn't had any time together since then. What with Angel running the porn studios now and Alastor's usual work as King, free time seemed scarce.

However, it seemed that finally, after the twelve days had passed, a day or two aligned where the two of them had some shared downtime.

Alastor slowly waltzed into the lounge, arms folded behind his back as per usual as he looked to Angel, taking a seat in his usual armchair.
"I hear you have the next week off? Why you deserve the rest, my dear!"
The deer smiled, crossing a leg over the other.

The spider glanced up to the Radio Demon, giving him a smile as he took his usual seat. Today was going to be a good day for quite a few reasons.

"I'll have to go in once in a while to make sure circuit board ain't fuckin' shit up too badly, but yeah! One week free of bullshit!"
The spider exclaimed with a wide grin.
"Today's an especially good day though. I'm officially off those pills. All without withdrawal."
He added, reaching a hand out to the deer.

As soon as that news was voiced, Alastor's smile grew all the more.
He knew how hard the withdrawal had been for Angel the first time after going cold turkey with those horrid narcotics, so for him to be able to ease himself off of them completely this time around, Alastor could imagine how much better Angel felt about it.

"Why that's excellent news my dear! Truly, I am relieved that you are finished with those for good!"
The deer congratulated, reaching out for Angel's hand and giving it a little warm squeeze in return.
"I had no doubt in my mind that you'd be able to do it!"

The spider grinned and entwined their fingers. This was the first real sign of affection they were able to really give each other since that night nearly two weeks prior.
"Couldn't have done any of this without ya."
He hummed.
"But it does feel really great to be free of them again without all that added pain and shit."

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