I want her to see she doesn't need to be my rock all the time. I can be hers just as well.

I sighed, caressing her hand through.

Her chewed up nails, her marked thighs I saw before... it all showed just how much she is keeping to herself. Just how badly she struggled in the last days, although through our calls she seemed so put together, so happy, so calming listening to all my stupid problems.

Her movements now started to be more frequent, the little sounds escaping her lips from time to time seemed more uncomfortable as minutes passed.

I was debating myself if I should wake her up; she must be in pain.

I shifted closer on my side, caressing her arm, but before I could decide on what to do her eyes opened, looking around as a teardrop escaped from the corner.

"Avery..." I whispered, leaning above her. "Does it hurt?" I asked, caressing through her tummy, making sure I don't touch the incision.

"Yeah..." she sighed as he pulled her legs up, and I cupped her knee.

"Careful," I asked, not knowing what movements are dangerous. "I call the nurse," I was already pushing the button taking a deep breath, not wanting to freak out, although it was devastating to see her this pale, fragile, in pain... I wasn't used to it.

"Are you okay? Did I wake you up?" she asked caressing my arm through, looking at me with that concerned look I knew so well.

If I tell her I wasn't even sleeping, she would freak the hell out, so I just shook my head.

"I was up couple minutes earlier..."I stated lightheartedly with a smile.

"Go back to sleep, you look tired. Here, have some from my water," she offered reaching to her nightstand but I grabbed her arm, pulling it back.

This woman is unbelievable.

"Babe, I already got water, thank you. I'm fine, but you probably should drink," I stated as I realized her lips were very chapped.

Jumping up, I walked to her other side and helping her to sit, I gave her some water, holding it to her lips.

"My arms are working just fine," she said with a little smile as she took the glass.

Sighing, I let her drink then adjusting her pillow, I tried to help her lay back but she pushed my hand away.

"Baby, I'm not crippled," she sighed looking up to me frustrated, what was very foreign from her.

"Shut up," mumbling I looked up as the door opened, letting some more light in from the corridor as Ashley walked in with a sleepy but cheerful smile, turning on the lights.

"Hey, Avery, how are you doing? Caught some shut eye?" she asked, stepping next to me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry... Jared called you..." she stated with lowered lashes.

I sighed annoyed, rolling my eyes.

Thank God I am here, otherwise she would suffer all night, not wanting to bother the sweet dreams of the nurse.

"The reason I am here is to care for you; it is not not a problem, Avery," she smiled. "May I...?" asking she pulled the blanket off her body then gently lifting her pj top, she had a look on the incision. "The swelling is going off, which means you are doing great in not moving around," she smiled. "How's the pain?"

"It... feels like Doctor Nelson left a knife in me," she mumbled and I watched as her hands folded into fists, while Ashley touched around the wound.

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