chapter 9

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Ashura sat in the shade of a grove of trees, mind furiously thinking of what was going to transpire. The Pokemon Contest was about to start and his sister, his Livi, was about to participate in it. He believed that she was as ready as she could be, but he could only worry about the results of this action.

Goodshow wasn't an idiot. When he saw what was going to happen, it was only a matter of time before he caught on to who he was. When he did, Ashura knew he would have to play the political game he hated so much. Ashura at least took some comfort that Goodshow would have no clue on what title he possessed in the Outside World.

Ashura sighed as he took a deep breathe, forcing his worries out of his mind. Olivia knew what she was doing and Ashura trusted her to do the right thing.

Speak of his sister, she walked up to him, dressed in a light blue knee length shoulder free dress, with a sleeveless pink over shirt, worry present in those beautiful blue eyes. Ashura smiled at her presence and slung an arm around her shoulders, giving her a cheeky grin.

"You ready, sis?" Ashura asked as he handed her three poke balls.

Olivia nodded confidently as she accepted the pokemon Ashura gave her. "Of course I am." She grabbed her brother's head and forced her lips on his cheek. Ashura smirked and led Livi towards the contest hall.

"You're going to be late if we keep these activities up. You have some annoying girls to beat." Ashura said, stopping in front of the Contest building. "I'll be cheering you on with Lucario, Mimikyu, Gou, Stella, Max and Brock."

"Thanks." Olivia murmured, her nerves suddenly attacking her resolve. Would she be able to do this? She quickly crushed her doubts and entered the contest building, leaving Ashura to head to the stands.

Minutes later, the contestants were lined up in the locker room, ready to start the appeal round. Olivia was standing alone, unwilling to talk to anyone who would just waster her time. She rapidly came up with plans for the pokemon Ashura loaned her as she knew what they were right when she touched their poke balls.

Her competition wouldn't know what hit them.

May was called before her, giving Olivia condescending looks and verbal insults as she passed. Olivia ignored her, knowing that they were insignificant when compared to her, her brother and the world. May went through their performance, nothing special. May created some kind of firework with a combination of Shadow Ball and Ice Beam.

"Olivia Kazuki!" Olivia's heart fluttered as she heard her human name. Having Ashura's surname made her proud, satisfied that she was his sister, his little girl, his family, his everything. To think that a prodigal Aura user, that the Prince of Champions himself chose her as his sister for eternity made her nearly explode with happiness.

She would prove that she was worthy today.

She stepped onto the arena, face to face with a full audience of people. Olivia felt her body tense, unaccustomed to the stares of thousands watching her. How could Ashura deal with crowds a hundred times this size? It didn't matter, she thought. She had a contest to win.

Olivia selected a poke ball and tossed it into the air, revealing an elegant and graceful Dragonair that Ashura had captured because of her beauty and hidden skill.

"Dragonair, rapid fire Dragon Pulse," Olivia commanded, falling into the routine that Ashura had for his battles.

Complying, the serpentine dragon fired three turquoise spheres towards the room's ceiling. The three attacks became attracted towards each other and stopped moving, the attraction between each Dragon Pulse overpowering their momentum.

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