Chapter 7

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"Is this information meticulous?"

"Yes sir. The pokemon the subject used was in that good condition. There appeared to be no poison in the pokemon's systems. The trainer's power and control were phenomenal for his apparent age and he is teaching and mentoring three other candidates to much higher levels than previously indicated. He is also very secretive and nobody knows anything about him, even the people closest to him."

Goodshow scowled as Tobias finished his report about the mysterious powerhouse he had witnessed practicing earlier that day. Schatten was quietly standing in the corner of the room listening in. To say that the head of the league was annoyed would be an understatement. He had designed this tournament to be purposely easy, purposely weak in order for Tobias or Schatten to win and take the prize money to the criminals that sponsored Goodshow and kept him in power. This method would solve all of their problems and would even have the audience's approval.

So why was this trainer here messing everything up?

"Tell me everything you and the records know about him."

"His name is Ashura Kazuki, age..."

"Wait, his last name is Kazuki!?" Goodshow exclaimed in shock.

"Yes sir, his last name is ... Oh. Yeah, that Kazuki" Tobias whispered in gradual understanding and shock. "It may be a coincidence sir."

Goodshow scoffed and replied, "Like I'd bet on that. I'll look into it and form a plan around that if Ashura proves more of an annoyance and this indeed proves accurate. Continue."

Tobias gulped and replied, "... age 19, born in Galar. Considered to be both a seven Regions citizen and a world citizen due to Galar's ambiguous legal state during the time he was born. He is known to be a very good trainer in the exterior world, although how good is unclear due to the information blockage you put in place when the League was created. His known pokemon only include a purple Lucario, a coloring that hasn't been seen before, a Blizzeon a Pokémon only available in the outside world and a Mimikyu."

Goodshow sighed and said, "You two find out as much as you can about Ashura, the sooner the better. I will not allow this upstart to ruin all of my hard work. Dismissed."

Tobias and Schatten nodded and left the room, leaving Goodshow to his thoughts. Thoughts about a certain black-haired teenager and what he planned to do about him. Goodshow would do what ever it took to get this dealing done. Even if it meant doing the unthinkable.

A little bit away from the discussion between Goodshow, Schatten and Tobias, Max swore as his Breloom was taken down by Gou. He had been training with Gou and Stella instead of Ashura because his mentor believed he wasn't ready to take him on even in practice. Max, after several hours of training with the two older trainers, reluctantly agreed that he was right.

"Damn it, I lost again!" Max said dejectedly as he returned his pokemon.

"Don't worry, you're improving a lot. " Gou encouraged, returning his pokemon to its ball. "If you keep this rate of improvement up, you'll go far in this tournament."

Max, despite his pessimistic mood, couldn't help but agree with Gou's statement. Over the past day since his massive blunder against Ashura, Max had been training non-stop. Yesterday, he was a blubbering idiot whose pokemon were not even close to the best shape they could be in, to Max's shock. He had always thought his pokemon were in tip top condition. Now, he was still an idiot, but he was starting to make better strategic calls and his pokemon were slowly improving their condition. He still wasn't close to Gou's and Stella's skill and don't even talk about reaching Ashura's level.

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