chapter 2

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Ashura waited patiently in an alleyway, watching the bridge to see when Scott would arrive for their meeting. After Ashura had received the message, he had quickly prepared his pokemon for any type of trouble today. So, as Ashura stood waiting, he could see over a dozen pokemon in their positions, ready for anything. He saw Mimikyu, lingering in a dark alley. He saw Yveltal aka Olivia, in her human form, sitting close by, seemingly unaware, but in actuality entirely focused on protecting her brother.

"You sure about this, Ash?" Olivia inquired.

"Something is obviously wrong with Scott," Ashura replied, glancing around at the crowd. He was so glad that this disguise worked; he did not want to attract attention. "I need to figure out what is so bad that Scott resorts to these measures."

"I understand, Ash. I'm just worrying. I can't lose you, not after losing my home." Olivia said, tears starting to form under her sky blue eyes.

"I can't afford to lose my best friend and sister either. I'll be fine. I have you and some of my pokemon watching out for me." Ashura replied.

Out of the corner of his eye, Ashura saw a flash of a familiar blue Hawaiian shirt. He turned his head to see the familiar sight of Scott walking slowly up onto the bridge, carrying a briefcase. He looked the same, but he looked... scared. He constantly looked over his shoulder, almost as if he was expecting to be followed. Ashura frowned at the sight. Something was definitely wrong if Scott was acting like this.

"All right, I'm going. Cover me" Ashura said as he emerged from his hiding place.

"Good luck" Olivia replied.

Ashura nodded as he approached the Battle Frontier creator. Time to get some answers.

Scott looked nervously around as he stood on the bridge, waiting for Ash to show up. He couldn't afford to be spotted by anyone from the Five Regions, it was too important that he and Ash talked alone, even if Ash didn't accept.

Scott knew that Ash didn't owe him anything and that he may be left high and dry and this entire situation unresolved. Despite Ash's hatred, Scott hoped that Ash would see how critical this situation was and agree to help.

"Excuse me, sir?" A voice brought Scott out of his reminiscence. He turned to see a Policeman walk up to him, visor down. Scott began to panic, he couldn't afford to be stopped before he talked with Ashura or while he still had the case on him.

"What is it?" Scott timidly asked.

The officer's menacing visor glared directly at him, increasing the intimidation factor that he possessed. "There's been some complications with your visa. Please come this way." The Police Officer turned and motioned for Scott to follow him into a nearby private alley.

By the time the two of them were alone, Scott was shaking. When the officer turned to look at Scott, he swallowed nervously, hoping this was nothing truly important.

To his surprise, the police officer sighed as asked, "Scott, what's going on? First your letter and now this?"

Scott's mouth hit the floor as he took in the officer's words. "Ash?" He asked hesitantly.

The police officer lifted his visor, revealing his face. Although his eyes were now dark red, his hair slightly more tamed and his face much harder, it was obvious that this was the same man who Scott had followed.

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