Chapter 1

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Deep within the island city of Koral, there is a secret garden, home to the Sea tear, an artifact of unimaginable power and value. It was home to the eclipse pokemon, who guarded the Sea tear with its live if necessary. For centuries, the eclipse Pokemon lived alone, isolated from the world around them. That was no longer the case.

A young man sat crouched in the moonlight next to the Sea tear, eyes closed. He had raven-colored spiky hair. He wore a black undershirt with an opened white jacket with two dark blue sun like symbols similar to that found on an eclipse pokemon; one on each sleeve and one on the very front of the jacket. He wore dark blue jeans and extruded an aura of confidence and dominance. His name, formerly Ash Ketchum, was Ashura Kazuki.

Several other pokemon surrounded him, training heavily underneath his watch. They had been going for hours, yet they would not stop. They were the prince's pokemon, and they would do everything they could to gain his satisfaction.

Ashura opened his eyes, dark red, and stood up, drawing everyone's attention to him. With an imperceptible nod, he said, "Good work, everyone. We went longer than usual. Time for a late dinner," With a cheer, his pokemon stopped what they were doing and walked across the garden where their master had already set up their food.

Ashura smiled as he watched his pokemon begin to eat. He was so proud of them, the pokemon in front of him had worked so hard and stuck by him all these years ever since that fateful day. He began walking toward his pokemon, intent on eating as well.

As he walked, one of his pokemon, a Mimikyu, walked besides him. After a couple moments of silence, the Mimikyu spoke up, "You forgot Fairypuffs,"

The man laughed at the pokemon's words and replied, "Oh, partner. I wondered if you would catch that. It seems time hasn't dulled you one bit."

The Mimikyu snorted and replied, "Unlike you." Mimikyu's words silenced both of them, once again reminding them of that day when they first met.

Ashura slowly began to speak, "You know I'm still so sorry over what happened. If Arceus hadn't intervened, you would of died." the man visibly hesitated, bringing back more memories, "I never meant for what was done to you,"

The Mimikyu extended a tendril of darkness and used it to pat the man's arms, "And you know that I'll never hold it against you. It was not your fault; it was Team Rocket's. And I'll always be the lovable little ghost you met the first day of your journey in Galar,"

Ashura laughed, bringing him out of his slump. "Indeed you will," He got out a patch of Fairypuffs and handed them to the Mimikyu, "Don't eat all of them," Mimikyu nodded as she walked back to the group of pokemon still eating.

Ashura, smiling from the recent conversation, smiled even wider as he heard the rush of wind caused by only one being. He turned to see a red and black blur knock into him, bringing him to the ground. Ashura laughed as Yveltal nuzzled his neck, extremely happy to see him after her short voyage.

"Easy sis, I just finished training here," he replied as he slowly got up.

"I'm sorry, Ash nii-chan, I'm just so happy to see you again!" Yveltal replied, still clinging to Ashura's form.

Ashura said, "You know that it wasn't that long, that we didn't see each other," Yveltal pouted as he spoke. "Why do you always keep teasing me?" She asks.

Yveltal began to float to where the other pokemon are, with Ashura following her.

"So, Ash, what have I missed for the two days I've been gone?"

Ashura shrugged and replied, "Not much really. We haven't had much true battling since I became the Prince of Champions after completing the Regional Challenge and the Royal tournament. We did participate in a small tournament on the south side of Nanika, but we crushed that easily. It was to mainly keep our skills sharp. We've mainly focused on improving the city, creating our arena, and enhancing our public image,"

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