Epilogue - Only Mine

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No one's pov

Its already a month.. Hoseok explained about taehyung's schedule to jungkook.. Most of the staffs and partners were jealous of both taehyung and jungkook.. Girls didn't like jungkook because he is so beautiful than other girls, smart and also sociable..

But whenever there is a meeting with partners all eyes were on Jungkook.. He is so perfect in every way and they are jealous how jungkook always take care of taehyung as his CEO and also as his boyfriend.. Everyday when they both leave the company at late they both looks so messy..

Jungkook arranged every thing for the meeting.. When the meetings starts only the CEO were present so jungkook went to the cafeteria.. He messaged Taehyung that he is in cafeteria.. Because when ever jungkook leaves without him he has to inform to taehyung.. 'Hey beautiful..' Jungkook turned while sipping his banana milkshake..

'Sorry I don't know who you are..' Jungkook said.. And at the time taehyung finished the meeting and went to the cafeteria.. His smile fades when he saw Mr. Fei's secretary talking to his boyfriend.. He wants to punch him so bad but he hide.. He wants to know what they are talking about..

'I'm John.. Mr. Fei's secretary..' Jungkook bowed to him.. 'Are you free tonight how about we go out..' Taehyung clenched his fist..

'I'm sorry.. I can't.. I already have a boyfriend..' Jungkook said and was about to leave but john blocked his way.. 'Boyfriend..' He smirked at Jungkook while looking at his hand..

'Yeah.. We are together for almost three years.. So excuse me..' John chuckled at him..

'You are too innocent Mr. Jeon..' Jingkook furrowed his eye brow glaring at john.. 'I think he is only using you for your body.. Come on you look so beautiful.. And you said its three years if I had a boyfriend like you I will make you as mine as soon as possible.. Did he court you for marriage..' Jungkook sighed at him..

'Don't be so naive Mr. Jeon.. And I know how Mr. Kim keeps you with him.. Boys like you are only serve and pleasure some rich man like him... And more over taehyung is a fuckboy I know you are like a SL...' Before he complete the sentence Jungkook slapped him on his face..

'Look here bastard I know how much he love me. I don't care what others think about me and our relationship we don't need to prove us to a low shit like you.. Don't you dare to insult my tae like that.. Understood..' Everyone in the cafeteria were shocked to see him like that. Even Taehyung..

'I said.. Do you understood..' John scared a little and nodded his head.. Before jungkook leaves he gave another punch on his face which made him to fall on the floor.. He rushed out of the company... He bites his lips trying to control his anger.. 'Just calm down jungkook.. Relax yourself..' The younger said and took a deep breath in and out to relax..

Taehyung on the other side feels so guilty.. What he said is right.. They made love they both know how much they love each other but still everyone looks Jungkook as one of his sex slave..

Taehyung POV

I don't know that I'm hurting my angel without knowing it.. All these years he didn't asked me anything expect my love.. He didn't push me when I want him.. Is this what others think about our relationship.. No.. I don't want my angel to hurt here after.. I glared at John who was with his colleagues.. I stood beside him which made others to step back.. He was scared..

'I won't hurt you.. My angel already did that job for me.. If you try anything again I will cut you into pieces.. Okay..' He lowered his head.. I leave the company and went to find my baby.. I saw him near the lawn looking at the sky.. Without without I rushed towards my angel and hugged him back..

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