" No! I mean we cuddled together. " Jungkook explained as he turned red and hoseok laughed.

" Okay. My mistake. But who initiated the cuddling? " He asked.

" It just happened. He came to my room cause he was afraid of thunder and we ended uo cuddling. " Jungkook said while smiling atbthe memory.

" That's good. " Hoseok said while nodding his head." You should start initiating. Let him know that you are eager to spend time with him. " Hoseok said and Jungkook looked at him dumbfounded.

" Start by taking him on dates. You can't just wait for everything to fall in place. Show him how you need him. " Hoseok adviced and Jungkook was lost in his thoughts.

" Your pheromones are emitting smell of uncertainty and shame. Do you think he will be comfortable around you when you are smelling like this. "

" Be open with him. Tell him how you felt. How you suffered. Be the Alpha he fell in love with. Be someone he can rely on and turned to for support. " Hoseok said with a smile and Jungkook just nodded.

Hoseok was right. He should stop being a coward and take the situation in his hand. He should be confident about himself, just the way he was back then.

Meanwhile, Jimin was sitting in front of Jisoo at a small room that was connected to the main office. Jisoo had given him a glass of apple juice and Jimin was really thirsty, so he didn't mind.

"How are things going? " Jisoo said with a sweet smile and was rewarded with a crescent eye smile by the omega.

" Things are getting better. We cuddled together. " Jimin smiled at the memory. He loves cuddling.

" Thats sweet. " Jisoo smiled at him."  How is the baby doing? " She asked while looking at his swollen round belly.

" Kicking. " Jimin said with a soft chuckle as he placed his hands on his belly, rubbing it softly.

" Can I feel it? " Jisoo asked with glint in her beautiful midnight black eyes. When Jimin nodded, she plced the hand on the belly and let out a chuckle.

" Its kicking! " She exclaimed and Jimin swear that she looked like a kid with huge eyes. Jimin just smile.

After few more kicks the elder omega sat on her chair." I want baby too. " Jisoo said with a pout. She is a baby! Her professional exterior long forgotten.

" Make one then!" Jimin chirped and she blushed. Jimin laughed at her antics.

"Anyway, the session. " Jisoo nodded to herself." Have you ever said something to the Alpha that you regret now? " She said, fully professional completely changing the previous topic.

" I hate appa! I hate him so much now! My life would have been much better if he didn't made me marry you. " Jimin said and he wanted to shut up when he saw the look on his Alpha's face. But part of him was enjoying it too.

" I hate you!! Jeon Jungkook!! "

The only thing that Jimin hates saying to his Alpha comes to his mind. In the heat of a moment he said that, but now he regrets saying it. He never meant it.

He can never hate him. Despite what he has done to him, Jimin still remembers how much he took care of him during the earlier stage of their marriage.

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