Jealous PT. 2

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A/N: This chapter was Co-Written with my best friend, MMMRRR3405 she was Ben Solo, while I was Hux. Enjoy!
~^Two Years Later^~

Hux rolled out of bed, he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Supreme Leader?" Hux looked behind him and one of his officers laid behind him. "Samuel, I would recommend getting dressed and returning to your quarters. I need you no more." Sam nodded and pulled on his clothes, "Until next time Hux." Sam left and closed the door behind him. Hux fell back on the bed and groaned.

What the hell happened last night? Hux thought as he tried to remember how an officer got into his bed. He looked around the room and found an empty wine bottle. "Shit." Hux hoped that the officer was as drunk as he was and didn't remember anything. In the corner of the room Hux's holopad blared, he walked over to it and picked it up off the floor. His eyes grew wide as he read the report. "Ben Solo has been captured, he is requesting the presence of the Supreme Leader, we will not fulfill his-" Hux stopped reading and walked into his closet.

He quickly put on his uniform and strode out the room. He walked towards his favorite room, the interrogation room. He smirked to himself as Stormtroopers stepped out of the way. Ben is back, he's finally here. Hux opened the door and wiped the smile off of his face, he walked to the front and let Ben acknowledge him. "Armitage!?" Hux turned around, "You are in my presence, you call me Hux. Do you understand?" Ben nodded.

"How did the mighty Ben Solo get caught, huh?" Ben let his head hang. "I... I let them." Hux grabbed his chin, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure I caught that. Will you repeat it?" Ben shivered under Hux's touch. "I missed you Armi- I mean Hux." Hux let go of him, "Missed me?" He scoffed, "I fear I cannot say the same. I've had things to keep me.... occupied." Ben's eyes looked like they were in true pain, "Twinks."

Hux smirked and raised his brow, "Maybe... but I'm free of any long term relationship. I have no one to care about."

"And no one to care for you." Ben added. Hux looked to the side, "What if I don't need anyone, I've survived this long." Ben picked up his head, "Maybe you have Hux. But you do need someone." Hux rolled his eyes, "Will you stop being so pitiful!" Ben bit his lip, "Why... don't you like to see me weak, General?" Hux shut his eyes and shuttered. He shook it off, "Don't. I'm done feeling like shit for your gratification. I stopped crying over your sorry ass a year ago, when I destroyed everything you loved."

Ben squinted, "You may think you are in control of me, but you aren't. You are scared to let me out of these restraints because you know damn well you'd come crawling back to me with one sorry word." Hux laughed, "You we're always the comedian Solo."

Ben sighed, "You loved me, but nothing has changed." Hux turned around and look down upon Ben. "Yes I did love you, but you see I was in love with the one named Kylo Ren. The name Ben Solo means nothing to me." Ben chuckled, "You tell yourself that, but it's not true." Hux removed his gloves and sat them on the table. "It is... I lost Kylo Ren, and the only way Ben Solo can help is by bringing the love of my life back."

Ben looked up at Hux, "You know I can't do that, I can't go back to being that monster."

"Yes I know. So therefore you mean nothing to me."

"He wasn't real, he was only what you wanted me to be. But it was never the Knight that you were in love with."

Hux advanced on Ben and wrapped his fingers around his throat. "I was in love with the torn fucked up man that hid behind a mask. I loved him because I wanted to fix him. You made up your mind, you are fixed, so I can't do anything for you. You are my enemy, I can't love the enemy."

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