I Don't Think So PT. 2

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As Kylo ran the dominant side of Hux told him to follow. So he did. Kylo ran to the loading dock "Ready my ship. Now!" Kylo said at a passing officer. Hux finally caught up to him and slammed him against the wall by his shoulders.

Kylo tried to break free but Hux was too strong. "Go to HELL you piece of SHIT!" Hux's breath was staggered. "Do you know what will happen to you if you leave? This will not end Ben Solo, I will search for years to find you if I have too." Hux let Kylo go and stepped out of the way. Kylo ran to the loading bay and slid into his ship. Hux stood at the control center and waved smugly at him.

Kylo turned on his shuttle and turned his tracker off. He wasn't coming back, even if Hux begged him on his knees.

Kylo finally arrived at the Resistance base. "Kylo Ren, what a surprise. Now tell me what you are doing here before I blow you out of the sky." Poe said threw his speakers. "I want to speak to my mother. I am here to surrender." Poe's laugh rang threw the ship making Kylo cringe. "Commander Poe. Please."

Poe was drawn back by this, he thought he'd never hear those words uttered from Kylo's mouth. Poe sighed, "You may enter." Kylo landed his ship and was surrounded immediately. He opened the hatch and held his hands up. Rey walked over to him and grabbed his lightsaber from his belt. She then proceeded to backhand him.

Kylo cradled his face and then relaxed when he saw his mother approach him. Once she reached him he fell to his knees, "I am sorry mother. I didn't want this to happen. He pressed-"

"Stand up Ben." Kylo looked up at his mom and she offered him a hand. He stood and she wiped the tears from his face. "I know what happened. Now tell me, why are you really here." Kylo's eyes searched Leia's face. "I had nowhere else to go." Leia nodded. "I assume you still know where your old room is. When you get out of that dreadful black, meet me in my office."

Kylo looked down at his outfit, he hasn't worn anything different for eight years. While walking back Rey followed him. He walked into his room and pulled off his tunic. "Did you stay for the show." He said pulling his old Jedi robes out of his drawer. Rey scoffed, "You expect me to trust you after what you did?"

Kylo walked up to her, "It was Suicide, you saw what happened, you just don't want to admit it." Rey looked up at him fearfully. Kylo stepped back and out of his robes. "I'm sorry." He muttered. "Old habits die hard." He said with a little chuckle. "Ben?" Kylo's head shot up to Rey. "Yes?"

"On the bridge, did you really want to come back?" Kylo shook his head, "I never said I wanted to come back. My father saw that I was torn, he saw he was the only thing pulling me to the light, so he ended himself, for me." Rey sighed, "But his ego!" Kylo nodded. "He finally stopped think of himself for once."

Kylo walked out of the room and walked to his mother's office. Kylo knew the entire layout of the base, he had basically grown up here. Once he entered the office he used the force to quickly close the door behind him so Rey couldn't enter.

"I would like to speak to you privately." He said in his deep monotone voice. "About?" Leia glanced up at Kylo and then back down at her work. "I left because I was being used. I was being sexually used." Kylo cleared his throat and Leia looked confused.

"I fell in love with someone who would never love me back because they were scared of letting people in. They made me feel like nobody else. He drove me crazy." Kylo sat down on a chair. "He disregarded my feelings but consumed my every waking thought. Then he denied me self pleasure, he twisted my mind, he saw me as a toy, not as a human."

Leia shifted in her chair. "General Hux?" She quietly stated. Kylo looked at the floor and nodded his head. "Why didn't you leave sooner?" Kylo sighed, "I was scared, not just of Snoke, but of Hux. He did some bad things to me, screwed me up badly. Even made me question my authority." Leia took this a lot better than he thought. Kylo thought that she'd be ashamed and that she wouldn't want to hear about it.

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