Words Hurt PT. 2 Phasma

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^-No POV-^

Phasma walked down the hallway to Kylo's room ever since he told her about his feelings for Hux she would do morning checkups on him. She would make sure he slept that night, and that he ate breakfast.

If he didn't they would sit down and talk about Hux. Phasma had no crush on Hux what-so-ever but she was one of his close friends and liked talking about him. These checkups made Kylo and Phasma pretty close. Phasma didn't even knock on the door she just walked in. Kylo's back was towards the door, she smiled knowing he slept.

She walked over to the kitchen and made Kylo breakfast. He groaned and woke up to the smell of bacon. "Phasma! Are you there?" Kylo had forgotten to tell Phasma not to come to his quarters in the morning. Hux was still asleep in his arms.

"Yes Ren... scrambled or poached?" Kylo covered Hux up with the blanket and walked into the bathroom. "Scrambled, thank you." He quickly got dressed and found that Hux had kicked the blankets off of him. He panicked and woke him up.

"Hux.... wake up." Hux groaned and Kylo covered it up with a cough. "Hux, you need to come into my bathroom now." Hux smirked, "Already ready for a round two?" Kylo rolled his eyes and picked him up off the bed and carried him into the bathroom.

Once the door shut he put down Hux. "Phasma is in my kitchen. She didn't see anything when she walked in, my body was shielding you from her vision." Hux rolled his eyes, "If you wanted me to leave you could have just said so, Ren. I didn't expect a long term thing from you anyway..." Phasma knocked on the door.

"Are you ok in there Ren?" Hux jumped back at the voice. "Yes I'm fine, I'm just shaving!" Hux lowered his voice, "What about my clothes in your living room?" Kylo froze, he forgot to clean up last night. "Stay here."

Kylo slipped out of the bathroom shutting it behind him. Phasma held Hux's Great Coat in her hand. "Kylo... what did I say about stealing Hux's Great Coat. He only has one, you can't ruin this one or he'll notice." Kylo cringed but was relieved at the same time.

He scratched the back of his neck. "I know... he just left it in here when he went to his room last night. I couldn't help myself." Kylo looked down at the floor, this wasn't the first time this had happened. Phasma was really good about getting particularly hard to remove white stains out of clothes.

She draped the coat over her wrist. "I'll go put it in your bin." She opened the door and Kylo stood behind her. Hux was nowhere to be seen. She walked over to the laundry basket and set it on top. She walked towards the sink. "Where is your razor, Ren?" Phasma did little searches like this, Kylo had done bad things to himself in the past due to the fact of Hux never liking him back.

Kylo stepped towards the sink, "I told you Phasma, I stopped all that stuff a month ago." She smiled fakely, "I don't care, I want to see it." Kylo sighed and opened the cabinet. Pulled out the straight razor and she found no evidence of blood.

She walked over to his closet searching for any more items of Hux's wardrobe. Kylo looked at himself in the mirror, his eyes were red and his neck and chest full of bruises. "Who'd you sleep with last night, Ren? There is no hiding those hickeys from me." Kylo sighed, "Some guy from Arkanis." He wasn't lying.

"Hux?" Phasma said staring at the man in Kylo's closet. He smiled nervously... "Phasma.... hey." Thankfully Hux had found some of his old trousers and a shirt on the floor of Kylo's closet. "No... you guys didn't..." Hux sighed, "Surprise?" He waved his hands in the air. Phasma walked out of the closet, "Kylo... walk." He chuckled knowing what she was looking for.

Kylo limped towards Phasma. Her mouth fell open, "I KNEW YOU WERE A BOTTOM! Alright, I'm going to leave you two. I made breakfast I hope you enjoy it." She quickly got out of the room and Hux shrugged. "Welp that was interesting... hey why do you have some of my clothing. Most of this stuff dates back to when I was an officer.... when I was 23." Kylo smiled... "I've been waiting for this for a long time I guess..." Hux chuckled and kissed him. "Well, now it's less of a dream and more of a reality. I am yours, Kylo Ren." He smiled, "I know."

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