Drive Me Crazy (Smut)

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A/N: So when I saw this picture I interpreted it differently than it's drawn. I decided to take it a different way, so here it is! Enjoy!

~*Hux's POV*~

Why did he have to be everywhere I looked... why did even hearing one word uttered from his lips send shockwaves through my body. I hated him so much, but then again he was the only one that could bring me to a climax. Did he know that? Hell no. Did I want him to know that? Sometimes. The only time I craved him was late at night when all I did was stare at my black ceiling. I wanted to feel his body against mine, I wanted to feel the heat in between us. Would it ever happen... no.

"Captain Phasma." I addressed her as she joined me, walking down the hall. "General." She nodded her head as she always did. Phasma and I were close as can be. She was a friend, my only actually. "The Supreme Leader is looking for you... he states that you did not show to his office as he requested you to." I flinched, I completely forgot about the meeting I had scheduled with Kylo Ren. "I- thank you, Captain." She nodded again and turned around heading the other way.

I swiftly made my way to Kylo's office, not stopping for anything. I thought of what I was doing instead of meeting him, I was in my office doing paperwork, I had a valuable excuse, I think.... The door opened before I could punch in my code. I stepped over the threshold and took a deep breath. "General... I'm glad you had the time to finally join me." Kylo sat at his desk, my eyes immediately fell onto his dark brown ones, the ones I imagined every night of my life.

"I am sorry sir. I lost track of time while doing my work." He nodded, "Oh I know, I know everything Hux. Now please take a seat." He wasn't looking at me, he was more looking through me. "Yes, sir." I sat in the chair across from him. "Status?" I sighed, "I just finished all of the trade orders for this month. We will have enough food to last us for about three months, and enough toiletries to go threw next year. All the correct parts and weapons have also been added."

Kylo leaned back in his chair and he nodded. "Good job, General." There it was. That was what was going to help me tonight. I crossed my legs when they started to twitch. Kylo's eyebrow raised, "What are you thinking of Hux." I snapped out of my daydream. "Excuse me?" He tilted his head, "You're blocking me from your mind, but I can see in your eyes that you are in deep thought. I would like to know what you are thinking of." Yep, nope. I'm sorry Ren, but I'm not ready for that. I don't even think you are ready to see that part of my brain.

"I am thinking about leaving this dreadful office and getting back to work." Yes, there it is. "Dreadful?" I nodded, Kylo's face tightened, he got up from his desk and I stood. He walked over to me and grabbed my throat. Holy Gods, please don't get a boner.... please! He slammed my face against the wall and pressed his body against mine. "Then don't look at it! I felt his belt pressing against my ass, wait... that isn't his belt is it? "Ren.... this is.... uncalled for!" I said through the staggered breath.

He dropped me on the ground, and I glanced down at his belt. That wasn't his belt, it's too high on his waist. THAT WASN'T HIS BELT! Kylo turned around and clenched his fist, "Get out.... now!" I scrambled to my feet and I tasted the blood in my mouth. Before I reached the door I turned around and spat it in his face. "Don't ever slam me-" the door shut in front of my face. I have to get to my quarters now!

I quickly walked down the hallway I quickly typed in my code and took off my uniform while walking into my bedroom. I couldn't think straight, Kylo flashed threw my mind, my neck still tingled from his grip. I quickly pulled down my trousers wanting relief, wanting him out of my mind. I fell on my bed and took my member in my hand.

His amber eyes filled my sight, along with his deep baritone voice. "Good job, General." Rippled threw my ears. I watched as my mind projected an image of Kylo Ren walking around my room and sitting on the edge of my bed. He just looked at me and watched, "General... I didn't know I did this to you." My head rolled back, Keep talking, please! A light chuckle reverberated through the room. "You're so naughty, not telling me that you stroke yourself thinking of me."

I let out a deep groan, I didn't even know my voice could do that. "Tell me, Armitage..." Woah... that's new... that's too real! I opened my eyes and Kylo now was palming himself. I bit my lip. God how does he look so real. A smirk flashed on Kylo's face and he extended his arm. The choking was back, but a lot lighter this time. "Because I am real, Armitage." My stomach was in my throat but I didn't care. I threw my mind out the window realizing what was happening. "Touch me... please~" Kylo narrowed his eyes. "No."

I whined, "Why not?! He smirked, "Close your eyes..." I swallowed hard and didn't move. "His grip tightened on my neck, "I said close your eyes." My face twitched and I closed my eyes. All I heard was the ruffling of cloth and fabric. Then I felt flesh. "Keep them closed." I nodded, and I felt Kylo's bare, calloused hands rubbing the top of my thighs. His fingers came close to touching me, but every time he got too close he retreated.

"Now Hux, you'll answer every question I ask with only a head nod or shake, and you won't open your eyes, no matter what.... understand?" I nodded, "Good boy." Kylo's hands massaged my legs, the grip on my neck fading. "Have you ever fingered yourself?" Heat rose to my face, not expecting such direct questions, but none the less I nodded. "Did you think of me filling your hole?" Kylo bared into my skin with his thumbs, I groaned and nodded frantically.

"Have you ever imagined anything with me while I was in the room with you?" I nodded. Kylo's hands got closer to my member. "How about when we were meeting with Snoke?" I hummed and nodded. "Even in front of the big wrinkly turn off... Tsk tsk tsk...." my body shivered when I heard a zipper unzipping. Kylo's hand grabbed my face. "I've imagined this moment for years Hux. I imagined me pounding you into this very bed until you couldn't breathe, and vice versa." Kylo grabbed my hips, his fingers digging into my skin.

I felt his tip at my entrance. "Do you want my cock, Hux?" I nodded and he slowly slid into me. "FUCK!" I screamed, not expecting him to be so big. "Shhhhh... did I tell you to speak?" Kylo planted a slap on my ass. I shook my head and he inched in a little deeper. I moaned and reached for my erection. Once I grabbed it I couldn't suppress my moans. "All in." Kylo growled, "Open your eyes..."

I took a deep breath, I didn't want to open them, what if this was all just some sick prank? What I thought was Kylo's cock twitched inside me. He groaned, "I said open, Armitage." I let out the breath and slowly opened my eyes, and sure enough there he was. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

My eyes searched his body he was naked, vulnerable. "I was scared-"

"I know." Kylo moved a little and I groaned. "Please Ren.... don't stop." His eyes flickered to mine and he moved a lot this time, almost pulling out of me completely. He slowly went back in and kept eye contact. "Fuck~" I whispered as he hit my prostate. He leaned over me and softly connected his lips with mine. I made the kiss needy, not wanting to stall. "Move!" I yelled when he kept on kissing me. He smiled against my lips and started to thrust in and out of me.

His chest shook when my walls tightened, "You're so fucking tight. I thought you- mmmm~ you said you fingered yourself...." I nodded wrapping my legs around his waist giving him easier access, "You're Kriffing Huge, Ren!" He groaned, "Fuck Hux!" He bottomed out making me yell in ecstasy. "Please Ren, please cum inside me." I whimpered as I felt that he was growing closer, as was I. He nodded and kept on thrusting. He snaked his hands in between our bodies and started to jerk me off.

I was a sweaty, moaning mess. My hair was scattered, and my lips were swollen, not that they could get any bigger, and my eyes were blown with lust. Kylo bottomed out once more and moaned out my name as he shot warm strands of cum from his cock, filling me with his seed. I followed soon after him, as he rode out his high. When we were both finished Kylo got off the bed and pulled his boxers on. I could only think one thing, Come on, please stay.

Kylo turned back to me, "Stay?" I nodded, "I know... it sounds pathetic, but it's all I want. If you just stay the night, I'll forget this ever happened, we can move on..." he shook his head, "What if I don't want to forget." I smiled softly, "Then stay, and we can both remember this night, and maybe even have a better, 'vise versa' morning." Kylo chuckled and walked back over to me. He crawled beside me in the bed, "Vise Versa Huh?" He kissed my shoulder, "You said it first, not me." He laughed, "I can't wait."

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