On Display (Smut)

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A/N: Inspired by MMMRRR3405 and the song dancing with a stranger. Enjoy!

"Get it Hux!" Poe laughed as he watched him dance across the floor. Hux chuckled and turned off the tunes. "Alright I have to go back to work, I'll see you tonight." Hux put Poe restraints back on his arms and kissed him. He had feelings for the man, but could say nothing because he was a prisoner.

He walked out of the interrogation room and met Phasma in the hall. "Captain, are you ready for our weekly walk threw?" Phasma nodded, "Yes, we just have to wait on the Supreme Leader." Hux rolled his eyes, "Where is he anyways." They walked towards the bridge, "I heard he was with his wife." Hux flinched at the word, he still wasn't used to it, and he still didn't want to hear it.

Kylo and him had something in the past that had been erased, neither of them wanted to think of it, and it exploded with the StarKiller. Then Rey came and joined Kylo Ren, ruining all his plans. "Ahh yes, Rey Ren..." they reached the bridge and Kylo leaned on a control panel, his lips locked with Rey's.

Hux cleared his throat, making them both jump. Kylo smiled and pushed her aside, "Commander, Captain, are you two prepared?" Hux nodded, not making eye contact with him. Kylo's eyes narrowed, "Is there something wrong Commander?" Hux glanced at him, "Maybe keep all personal things in your quarters Supreme Leader, you wouldn't want any subordinates walking in." Kylo chuckled, "Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

They all took their normal spots, Kylo in the middle, and Hux and Phasma on the sides. They were all in step making their boots echo down the halls. While walking many Storm Troopers stepped out of the way, clicking their heels together. "Are you enjoying your promotion, Hux?" Hux stared at the back of Kylo's head, "Yes sir, I'm glad that you saw me fit with the position."

Kylo nodded, "You are one of my hardest workers, it was only appropriate you took my place." Hux smirked. The turned and entered the loading dock. As they stormed threw the engineers looked nervously, Kylo walked up the ramp of his ship and Hux and Phasma stood on the outside while he inspected it. "Commander Hux! Please enter, I would like your assistance!" Kylo yelled from inside.

Hux raised his brow but climbed up, "What's wrong, Supreme Leader?" Kylo closed the hatch, making Hux's muscles tense. The darkness of the shuttle was familiar, they had done many interesting thing in here, and Hux couldn't stop thinking about them. "Stop." Kylo said turning towards him.

Hux's face twitched, "Excuse me, Supreme Leader?" Kylo's body shivered, "Please don't call me by my title. You know what that does to me..." Hux found the ground more interesting than Kylo's eyes, "But sir, you're married." Kylo rubbed his neck. "It's pretty clear I'm not over you." Hux flinched, "I'm not sure I know what you mean."

Kylo flicked his wrist, locking Hux's arms beside his body. "You're still thinking about the things we do..." he said in that deep baritone voice that Hux loved so much. Hux looked down ashamed, "I always think about the things you do. But I've learned to control them... because you have found someone else..." Hux choked out as emotionless as possible.

Kylo walked up to Hux and got in his ear, "I need someone who can take control." Hux swallowed all the built up saliva in his mouth. "I'm tired of having to care about someone else's needs, I need mine satisfied, and it seems as if you are the only one that holds that power." Hux clenched his teeth, Kylo ran his hands down Hux's arms. "Please Armitage, make me regret marrying Rey." Kylo said, his hot breath still on Hux's neck.

If Hux would've been in control of his muscles, he was sure that his legs would buckle. But then again, there was Kylo holding him up, supporting him. "Yes." Was all Hux could say, still looking at the ground. Kylo planted a little kiss on Hux neck, "Yes what?" Hux took a few deep breaths, "I want to make you cum.... I want to fulfill your needs, I want you."

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