The Piano Teacher (Earth AU Smut)

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Hux got out of his bed. He had a new student today. Hux taught and played the piano for a living, when he was younger his father had payed for lessons as a birthday gift, and he was an amazing player. He pulled on his button up shirt and blazer. Hux sighed as he got into the car, he had heard of this man. He was troubled and the people that cared for him recommended Hux's class.

Once Hux pulled up to the church, where he held his lessons, he braced himself. This man had a violent past, Hux was tough but he was still worried. He got out of his car and started walking. "Hey! Armitage!" Hux stopped and turned on his heels. "What is it Charlotte?" He asked relieved it wasn't his student. "The new guy is here, I told him to head inside and set up at the piano. He had some sheet music, but he didn't look like the type of person to play piano."

Hux's muscles tensed. "Yes... so I've heard, thank you Charlotte." Hux turned back around and nervously ran his hands through his hair. He opened the door to the sanctuary, and the man sat in one of the pews looking at the tapestries that decorated the walls. He looked back at Hux and got up from the pew. Hux held his arm out, "I'm Armitage, but everyone calls me Hux. I'm guessing you're here for your lesson?"

The man nodded and took Hux's hand, he gripped it tightly while shaking it, "Kylo," The man introduced himself, "This is a beautiful church." Hux let go and nodded, walking over to the piano. "Seems bland to me, I guess that's just because I work here."

Kylo grabbed his sheet music and followed Hux. "So... can you show me something?" Kylo said spreading out the music. It was very hard and complicated. "You brought this to test me?" Hux asked almost offended.

Kylo scratched the back of his neck, "I wanted to see what I was working with." Hux chuckled and cracked his fingers, "Fine." He glanced over the music and back at the piano. He took off his blazer and threw it to a chair off to the side. The song was entitled La Campanella. It was something Hux played when he was only seven years old.

The music flowed through his body, all the muscle memory coming back. Kylo followed the music and turned the pages when needed. Hux was playing the piece flawlessly, not missing one note. He then finished the piece and stood from the bench. Kylo just looked at him in awe. "Happy?"

Kylo nodded, impressed. "Now sit." Hux said realizing they already wasted eight minutes. Kylo complied and sat awkwardly on the bench. Hux rolled his eyes and walked up behind him and put his hands on his waist. He straightened out Kylo's back, and squared his shoulders to the piano. "Put your feet on the pedals, and don't let your arms touch your sides. Your hands will not rest on the piano, they will hover over the keys, only your finger tips will touch it."

Hux took Kylo's hand and placed his fingers on the three black keys. "Have you ever had experience with music or a piano?" Kylo nodded, "Just a little, and when I was young." Hux looked at his hand again, "You have the perfect hands to play. I would kill for hands like that." Kylo nervously chuckled not understanding. "Long fingers are good for piano players."

"And other things." Kylo mumbled under his breath. Hux's eyes widened, "We are in a church! Have some respect!" Hux rolled up his sleeves and Kylo just smirked. "Do you know how to play anything?" Kylo cleared his throat and rolled his shoulders, nodding slowly. He adjusted himself to look like what Hux did when he was playing. Kylo started to play a watered down version of Für Elise. Kylo suddenly stopped, "Thats all I know."

Hux nodded "Scoot over." Kylo raised his eyebrow, "Just do it." Kylo scooted over and Hux slid in beside him. "I noticed you were only playing one hand, the melody. Play it again, you seem to learn by watching. When you get lost I'll continue, you observe." Kylo took a deep breath and played again. Hux played the base part and when Kylo stopped he played the remainder of the song.

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