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I like school. I'm considered to be a good student.
It's sort of a distraction from all the shit going on.

Kids in Avonlea don't study that hard, so it's easier for me to be on top.
Teachers love me.

Another solid school year is beginning.
3 years and I'll be in college, finally starting over.

We have history first period.
I lazily scribble some notes on my textbook.

All of a sudden, there's a knock on the door. Seconds later I hear it open.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." A voice says.
I don't turn around. I know it's just another careless classmate of mine.

"I'm just new and I couldn't find the classroom." The voice adds. She's a girl and she's new. Huh. I blink uninterested.

"Oh, you must be the exchange student from Scotland then." The teacher responds. Intriguing roots.

"Yes. Yes that's right." She says.
The teacher nods.

"You can sit over there." He says pointing to a seat right next to mine. I momentarily close my eyes, wishing I was dead.

I hear a light thud and open my eyes to see an exhaustingly colorful bag rest against the once empty desk next to mine.

I look up at her.
To my surprise, her eyes are already on me. I observe her characteristics. I take in her milky complexion and the infinite freckles covering her round face. Her thin rosy lips and blue eyes.
But what catches my attention is her hair. It's a magnificent dark shade of red.

Once I realize I have been staring at her for too long, I try to look away but my eyes fall on hers.
I furrow my eyebrows. Is she smiling? At me?

Before I can even blink, her smile fades.
She furrows her eyebrows at me and turns around, facing the teacher.

I stay still, kind of taken aback.
What the hell?

Y'all she's here uwu. But anyway what do you think of this so far? Idk lol🥺🥰✨

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