Chapter 35~ And So It Begins

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"Oh so your the first Nemi child?"  Ellen asked

"Haha yes I am a the very first Nemi child but hopefully not the last"  I said 

"Well that's super cute! I bet you that the NEMI shippers are going insane. Okay so what does that make your name now?"  Ellen asked

"Only you would ask that Ellen, that's the confusing part because I don't even know what it is, my parents told me that it's all up to me to decide. So I could keep it as Kaitlyn Devonne Leigh Lee Lovato or I could change it to Kaitlyn Devonne Leigh Lee Lovato-Jonas. I have yet to decide so for right now my last name is just Lovato, but I may change it to have my dads last name"  I said

"Well that is pretty confusing, I kind of see your issue. So have you met either Kevin, Joe or Frankie yet?"  Ellen asked me

"Not yet. We've been really busy lately and three nights ago we just got back from Texas where we spent Thanksgiving with my mom's family. But I was told that I have a surprise waiting for me later, so I may be meeting the newest side of my family."  I said

"Now a little birdy told me that you are a signed artist. How's it feel?"  Ellen asked

"Wait? I'm a signed artist...well that's news to me"  I joked "Haha, okay for real. It's honestly amazing, it's been a lifelong dream of mine and it hasn't even been two months so its still all so real. I feel like I'm dreaming this all. I just...I feel so lucky. I'm enjoying it though. Both my mom and dad are helping me out and giving me tips. I've already spent so much time writing music and recording"  I said

"Ahh so should we be expecting an album or EP from you sometime soon?"  Ellen asked

"'ll have to wait and see. I don't think that it will be soon soon, but you never know"  I said with a wink

"Alright, well I'm going to keep my eye out for it when it does drop. And I will make sure that you are back on the show when it does drop" Ellen said

"Haha alright"  I said 

"Okay so, I've seen a few different things on twitter about your fan base. What do they call themselves?"  Ellen questioned

"Okay so this is going to be so awkward but its still so weird to know that I have a fanbase. I love them all but I don't even know what they call themselves. I've seen everything from 'Devontics' to 'The Kids' to 'KD's Demonic Kids'. So I'm confused but its all up to them. I love how there is a fan name off of the nickname I got the over at Radio Disney. I was there with my mom and they asked her who I was and she's was like oh this is my kid Katie, and they started to call me 'The Kid' it kinda just stuck, even my mom and dad call me by it sometimes. Personally I love 'Devontics' because it sounds so similiar to my moms famdon 'Lovatics' and before she adopted me I was a Lovatic, well I'm not gonna lie...I'm still a huge Lovatic. But yea I have no idea what they call themselves"  I said

"Well I like the name 'Devontics' it fits"  Ellen said 

"Well thank you"  I said

"Since the last time you were here, you've been on tour with your mom and do you mind tell us about that?"  Ellen asked

"Sure thing, okay so it was a little painful because right before going on tour with my mom I tore my ACL and had to have surgery. But overall the experience was amazing esspecially performing with her. I also had the pleasure in planning with Nick how he was going to ask her to promise herself to him. The tour was amazing, I got to be great friends with Bea and Christina, and it was a plus that even Cher came to a performance and I got to meet her. It was mindblowing, like everyone was so sweet and caring. They quickly became my second family."  I said 

Adopted By Demi LovatoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz