Baby Daddy Knows

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Katie's POV

"Shawn.....I-I'm...Shawn I'm pregnant," I spoke softly

"Are you sure you're pregnant?" Shawn asked in a whisper

"Yeah, I'm sure. I missed my last period and I started feeling funny so I talked to Maddie and Bea, they told me I needed to take a home test. It was positive. So far only them and Harry know. I didn't know how to tell you and I was scared you'd hate me and break up with me..."

I looked down at my lap and played with my hands. My vision is blurry from the tears in my eyes, I heard Shawn sigh and walked across the room towards me. I felt the bed dip, I didn't have the courage to look up in case he was angry with me.

Shawn placed one hand on top of my hands to stop me from playing with them. His other hand went under my chin and ever so genitally forced my head up so he could look into my eyes. When my eyes met his, I burst into tears. His face softened a little bit.

"I'm so sorry Shawn," I blubbered out.

"Katie, why are you sorry? In case you forgot I played a major role that night as well," Shawn said

"I just feel like this is all my fault."

"Katie, it takes two to have sex or make love or whatever you want to called it."

I smiled at Shawn when he said that.

"There's that smile that I fell in love with," Shawn said.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you babe. That was pretty stupid of me," I mumbled

"It's fine baby. Next time, just tell me."

"What makes you think that there will be a next time?" 

Shawn just gave me a smile that made me laugh and a knowing look that made my heart flutter. What he did next not only surprised me but made my heart melt.

Shawn placed both his hands on either side of my stomach and looked at me deeply in the eyes.

"I don't think there will be a next time, I know that there will be a next time. I know this because I love you and I know you love me and now we are going to have and raise this baby because it is a product of our love. This baby we made together and I love it just as much as I love its mommy," Shawn said

I didn't say anything, I just leaned forward and placed my hand on his cheek and softly placed my lips onto his, when I pulled away and leaned my forehead onto his and sighed.

"Thank you."

Shawn just chuckled lightly.

"Thank you for what babe?"

"Thank you for being you, for loving me as much as you do and thank you for what you just said. You have no idea how much I love you and it's being some time but you still make my stomach fill with butterflies on the daily basis."

Shawn smiled and pecked my lips.

We sat in silence, just simply enjoying one another. Shawn's hands were rubbing my stomach.

"Why don't we watch a movie up here before we fall asleep," Shawn suggested.

"Yeah, you pick out the movies and I'll go make the popcorn," I said

We both got off the bed, I went downstairs to make the popcorn and ran into both Bea and Maddie who were just leaving the kitchen.

"Does he know?" Maddie asked.

"Yeah, he knows and he took it well. I'll talk to you girls more about it tomorrow. Shawn and I are going to watch a movie together in my room," I said.

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