Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)

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Demi's POV:

And with that we were off to the stage of Ellen

Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)

Nobodies POV:

Today we have two special guests and they are Demi Lovato and her Daughter Kaitlyn Jennifer Lovato! So lets welcome them out!!!

Both Demi"s and Katie's POV

God darn it! How does everyone know my full name and why do they say it!!! oh well. 

Demi put her arm around my shoulder and we walked out...not going to lie I am so nervous but I looked over to Demi and she gave me a big smile and squeezed my shoulder into her body. I knew I would be fine with the interview. 

When we got to by the couches Ellen stood up and hugged us and we sat down and let the interview begin. (Ellen, Demi, Katie)

Ellen: Hello girls! So Demi would you mind telling us who this beautiful girl sitting besides you is?

Demi- Actually no I don't. I would like to introduce my daughter Katie!!

Ellen- Well everyone lets say hello to Katie! 

Everyone in the audiance: HELLO KATIE!!

Katie- Hey guys!

Ellen- Katie...I heard you have a long name and that it is a mouth full. Am I correct?

Katie- Actually yes you are. My full name is Kaitlyn Jennifer Leigh Lee Lovato. My birth parents who I have never met gave me Kaitlyn Jennifer but no middle or last name. Then when Demi adopted me she gave me my middle names and last name. Honestly I really love my name even if it is a mouthful. 

Ellen- Awe thats so sweet and you have a beautiful name and it suites a beautiful girl like you.

Katie- Thank you Ellen.

Ellen- So Demi...any meaning to the middle names?

Demi- Actually there is...I have not told it to Katie yet but its bound to come out sooner or later. The middle names are my sisters middle names and my moms middle name. Leigh is my older sisters middle name and Lee is not only my younger sisters middle name but also my moms. 

Ellen- Awe that is so cute!

Demi- Actually Katie gets a surprise this weekend....

Katie- Mom! You known I hate surprises....what is it?

Demi- Well Katie it would not been much of a surprise if I told you....RIGHT GUYS?!?!


Ellen- So Katie whats it like being Demi Lovato's daughter? And would you like to tell us about yourself?

Katie- Well Ellen let me tell you...its simply amazing. She is such an amazing mom. Honestly it does not matter if she gave birth to me or she adopted me...which she did adopt me. She is my mom and always will be. I have been living with her for three weeks and in those three weeks she has made me feel so comfortable and wanted. Just like so many people I have a darker past and Demi...she understands that. She helps me get through tiny pieces at a time...currently we are working on the eatting. I was bullied alot as a kid and told I was too fat so I developed an eatting disorder. She is helping me get over it and it is hard but it is so possible. She supports me in everything I do...lately I have not been doing much of anything besides playing music. While I was at the orpahanage they supported me in everything I did...sports and music. I play so many sports including- hockey, soccer,flag football, swimming, I run track and I box. I also play many instruments including- guitar, drums, piano, bass and violin. I sing and I have been dancing since I was three years old. My life long dream is to be a singer and actress. I love performing. Demi recently bought me a new acoustic guitar and I absoultly love playing it. Before Demi adopted me I was a major lovatic...I still am one. When we were buying stuff to decorate my room I picked out a few things any lovatic would..i have a demi lovato phone case and i have a few posters for my walls with Demi on them. She begged me out to buy them...but I wanted them so we did

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