Chapter 44~ It's a Family Day

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Katie's POV

Today was the highly anticipated Demi enforced family day. Basically Demi picked out two days over the two weeks and those were days that everyone went back and spent with their families or their families flew here to see them and spend the day with them and then watch a concert the next day. Demi is now almost 6 months pregnant and really showing. I just couldn't wait until the babies were here.

I was convinced that for family day, Nick, Demi and I would be staying inside and not going outside at all. Just for Demi's safety. But I feel like knowing her, we would be going to go out at least once to get food or do something just for her Lovatics, My Devontics and Nick's Jonatics.  It's going to happen. I garentee it. 

Currently, I'm sitting in my bedroom, in my own hotel room. Nick and Demi's room was right next door. But I gave no fucks about it. I didn't want to get out of bed, or shower. It's been a long few days! But I knew I had to do both eventually! 

I laid in bed for what felt like only a few minutes but was actually a half hour. How that happened, I have no idea but it happened, so I got out of bed and went to get ready. 

~Skip Getting Ready~

I walked into my parents hotel room, not bothering to knock since I had a key to the room and I knew they wouldn't be doing anything besides Nick giving Demi a back rub or messaging her feet. He did that a lot now, I liked teasing him about it saying he was wiped. It made moments like that more enjoyable for me anyways, Demi normally scolded me and then brust out laughing. 

I laided down on their bed, cuddling into Demi's shoulder. Still not ready to really even start the day because I was feeling super lazy. Demi stroked my hair while Nick ordered room service, half of which was for Demi. Her craving were seriously out of this world. The room service soon arrived and we ate while Nick picked out a movie to watch on Netflix. I didn't really pay attention to it since I was now once again cuddled into Demi's shoulder and my eyes were slowly closing once again. Truth is, I was so tired because I have been staying up really late talking to Shawn Mendes. We were talking about writing together and collaborating on his next album. But he is super sweet. 

I soon found myself being lifted off the bed and carried out of the room. I opened my eyes, to find Nick craddling me, walking down the hotel hallway. I moved my head and saw Demi walking right next to us with a big smile on her face. I already knew she talked Nick into us going out somewhere, her smile was too broad not to be that. 

"Good Morning," I croacked out.

I saw Demi look at me with a smile on her face and then heard Nick's cuckle, 

"Good Afternoon actually," Nick said with a smile. 

"Oh whatever." 

"Alright m'am, whatever." 

"Where are we going?" 

"You're mother was able to talk me into us going on in public on a walk to the park and to grab food." 

"Hey! You know you wanted to go either way!" Demi exclaimed. 

"You guys are such children." 

"No we aren't" both Nick and Demi said at the same time. 

"Sure, sure." 

There was silence for several moments. 

"You know I can walk, right Dad?" 

"Oh yea, sorry about that." 

"It's fine." 

Nick placed me on the ground and I soon missed him carrying me, but I'm a big girl and I could do it by myself. We soon made it outside, and the sun hit me straight in the eyes, Demi handed me my sunglasses and I gladly accepted them. 

We soon began to walk to the local park and just relaxed. After the walk in the park, we went and got food and then ice cream before making our way back to the hotel to watch more movies. This time I chose them all. While we were outside, our fans pretty much left us alone, only a few came up and talked to us and asked for pictures which we gladly gave to them. I think they all knew that we were having a family day and decided to respect that. 

After watching the movies, I went back into my own room and went straight for my phone. I had so many text messages from a few people and I answered them before I slowly drifted into a deep sleep. 


Hey so this chapter sucked majorly, but I'm trying to finish it up fast because I have no motivation for it anymore. One more chapter before the two part epilogue! For the last chapter I am going to skip a few years...possibly two or three. 

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