Chapter 34~ Daddy Nick

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Katie's POV

I woke up before any of one else in the house so I made my way into the kitchen and made myself some food then went to watch some TV.  I sat cross legged on the couch with my bowl of cereal chilling in my lap. I decided on watching the Lifetime Movie Network, I sat there watching the movie that was currently playing for about a half hour before Demi came and sat next to me. I placed my now finished bowl of cereal on the coffee table before moving to sit closer to her. Once I sat down, Demi pulled me into her and we cuddled into the couch.

"Morning kid" Demi said
"Morning momma" I mummbled 
"So, you wanna tell me how long you've been wanting to ask Nick to be your dad?"  Demi asked
"About a month now...he spends enough time with me and I look up to him like a dad"  I said 

Demi kissed the top of my head

"Well you made him a very happy person yesterday. He wouldn't stop gushing about it last night when we laid in bed"  Demi said into my hair

"I'm happy that I caused that"  I said, smiling. 

Nick and Maddie soon came down the stairs. Walking slowly towards the kitchen, you could tell that they were still half asleep. Demi stood up to join them in the kitchen and I followed her after grabbing my cereal bowl. I was still hungry and I really wanted to eat more food. 

Demi and Nick got to work making food for all of us while Maddie and I went to wake up Bea and Sabrina. Let me tell you that was no easy task, those two sleep like logs. After 15 minutes of trying, I finally had enough and handed Maddie a  pillow from my top bunk and grabbed a pillow of myself. We started to hit them with pillows until finally they woke up. Took them long enough. 

Demi soon called up that breakfast was ready, at the mention of food Bea and Sabrina sprung up and then the four of us fought each other to get out of the room first. I'm proud to say that I won that "fight". We ran downstairs and straight to the table. We quickly devored to the food and then went to play my PS4. Soon Sabrina's mom came to collect her and not long after did Bea's mom came to pick her up. A half hour later Nick left with Maddie to drive her home. 

"Go take a shower kiddo, we are going to the court house when Nick gets back so he can sign the papers"  Demi said
"Fine...."  I groaned out

This made Demi chuckle at me, I ran up the stairs to my room and went into my walk in closet to grab my clothes. I put the clothes that I picked out on my bed and then went to take a shower. Once that was done I quickly changed and did my hair before I went back downstairs. Demi and Nick were already waiting with their shoes on and once my shoes were on we got into the car and drove to the court house.

When we arrived the process was fairly simple, the clerk pulled out my adoption papers and sent us to a judge who would ask me if I wanted to have Nick as my father and then he would sign off on a different paper in my file then finally Nick would be able to sign off on the paper to become my adoptive father. I wonder if this means that my name got even Jonas added to my name? 

Once Nick signed the papers, I jumped on his back for a piggyback ride and he gave me one. I was smiling and so was Nick. Demi took a picture of us, Nick told Demi to send him a picture.

Afterwards we went out for a small lunch and then back home. It was now 2:30 in the afternoon and Selena would be here at 3, she was always punctional when it came to me so I had to hurry and pack my bag. I quickly packed a set of clothes and pajamas as well as my personal products before I packed my phone charger and my movies. I grabbed the bag off of my bed and ran downstairs, setting it by the door.

As I walked into the kitchen to grab an apple because low and behold I was hungry again then doorbell rang. I quickly grabbed the apple then ran back to the door to answer it. There stood Niall, who I thought was back in Irland with family but I guess not.

"Afternoon Katie, Selena got stuck in traffic coming home from the studio. She asked me to pick you up. So I hope you don't mind"  Niall said
"Nope let me just tell my mom and Ni- er dad that I'm leaving"  I said

Niall nodded.

"MOM! Ni- er DAD! I'M LEAVING WITH NIALL"  I yelled up knowing that they were somewhere upstairs

I waited several seconds before I heard a reply and it was from Nick.

"ALRIGHT, HAVE FUN KATIE" Nick yelled down

I picked up my bag and then locked my door, following Niall out to the car that Aunt Selena let him use. I'm guessing Selena gave him the code to open up the gate that went across the driveway, since the car was in the driveway and he was at the door. Anyways, I got into the car and we drove off. The gate closing behind us. We made a stop at the store and Niall picked up a PS4 and a crap ton of games along with some food and then we went to Aunt Selena's house.

Inside the house I was greeted by the 3 dogs, a pittbull named Lion, a huskie mix named Snow and finally a lab named Kicks. If you asked me to pick a favorite it would be Lion just because I love pitbulls but I love Snow and Kicks to.  Before you even think it, yes Selena has some odd names for her dogs but they are unique so I like them. Selena's mom must of dropped them off when she got back yesterday.

I was quick to open up the PS4 and set it up then put a game in, Niall came in and we started to play the new system. We were in the middle of an intence competition that I was currently winning when Selena came home. 

"Well if it isn't my favorite niece and my amazing boyfriend"  Aunt Selena said from the doorway

I paused the game and placed my controller down. 

"AUNT SELENA!!!!!" I shouted
"KATIE!!!!" Aunt Selena mocked me as I ran into her arms

I gave her a big hug, Selena picked me up in the process and spun me around while I laughed. She soon set me down and followed me back to the couch were I previously sat. I went back to kicking Niall's ass in FIFA14 while Selena cuddled into him and laughed at his face. 

I final score was 8 to 3, I won and I may or may not have gloated about it. 

"When are you flying back home babe"  Selena asked 
"My flight is at 3am out"   Niall replied
"You're leaving today?"  I asked 
 "Yup, I have to meet up with the boys we have a meeting tomorrow. We need to plan tour."  Niall said
"I'm going to miss you Ni"  I said
"I'm going to miss you to kid but I'll be back here before you know it"  Niall said

I feel like Niall and Selena were getting really serious but I don't know. Hopefully they are, but they are both young so you never know.

I just pouted, Niall chuckled before he opened both his arms. I leaned into him on one side while Selena leaned into him on the other. We stayed like that for some time. Niall soon broke up the hug becasue he said he was going to make the three of us dinner. 

Once dinner was done, Niall dilivered it to us in the family room so we could watch a movie together. I picked out the Princess Protection Program movie much to Selena's groaning we watched it, Selena even laughed at her younger self and I laughed at my mom's younger self. 

Soon the movie was over and we got ready to drive Niall to the airport. Once the three of us were ready we got into the car and took off in the direction of the airport. It took us about an hour before we arrived, thank you traffic. Niall said his goodbyes to us inside the car because fans of both him and Selena were gathering outside the car. Niall took pictures with fans and signed some stuff and slowly made his way inside the airport. Selena slowly made her way from the airport, careful of those fans around her car. 

Once safely from the airport we made our way back to her house where we would go back to her house where we would take the three dogs into her backyard and play with them for about an house before we went back to watching movies. The ride back was much shorter since there was no traffic on that side of the road. Once we got inside, the dogs greeted us and got super excited as I unlocked the back door. We played fetch with them as well as tug of war. After about an hour of playing outside with them, they were finally tired so we went back inside and headed straight for the shelf full of movies. Not trusting me to pick out a movie that didn't involve her, Selena picked this one out. 

We watched Marvel's Avengers, even though I have seen that movie about a million times, I still love it. I'm a total Marvel Nerd, I can watch any Marvel movie a million times and I can still watch it with interest. After the Avengers finished we watched my personal favorite Captian America: The Winter Soldier. God Chris Evans is sexy. 

We watched so many movies, finally going to bed at 3am. If Demi found out that Aunt Selena let me stay up until almost 4am, she would probably be 6 feet under ground. Aunt Selena and I camped out in the family room on the couches with the three dogs. Lion was laying on the floor next to me, snoring loud as all hell and Snow was by Selena then Kicks was laying by the door.

Nick's POV

Currently I am upstairs, putting the first of my bags into the side of the closet that Demi had cleaned out for me. I was in the process of moving in and while it was going slowly, it was still going. Earlier today I offically became a father, I signed the adoptive father section on Katie's adoption paperwork at the court house today. 

Katie just left with Niall to go to Selena's to sleep over, which meant that Selena got stuck in traffic coming home from the Hollywood Records Studios, she was currently recording a greatest hit album before making the move to Interscope Records. 

Demi was currently in the shower and I was feeling a little cheeky. So I put the bag aside, took my socks off then made sure my phone was out of my pocket and walked into the bathroom and slipped into the shower, clothes and all. Don't ask. I wrapped my arms around Demi's wet and naked body. She jumped a little but relaxed into my arms when she realized it was me. There was pure silence between us. 

"Nick, not that I don't enjoy this or anything but why are you still wearing clothes?"  Demi asked
"To be honest, I have no idea. I was too impatient to undress myself before I got into the shower so I just hopped in, clothes and all"  I said chuckling

My explination caused Demi to let out the laugh that I love to much. I pouted a little bit, she turned in my arms and kissed my pout. I immediately deepened the kiss, I was hungry for her lips. I slowly walked her back towards the glass wall of the shower and pinned her to the wall. We were now in a mind blowing make out session, Demi had her hands tangled in my longish hair, my hands where firmly on her hips. I pressed myself into her and felt her smile into the kiss. Demi broke the kiss apart and was breathing slight hard but wore a smile on her face so I knew she was perfectly fine. 

Her fingers started to play with the hem of my tshirt. Understanding the hint, I took my shirt off and threw it over the glass wall of the shower. Demi ran her eyes up me and bit her lower lip. She knew it drove me crazy that's why she did it. I slammed my lips on hers with such force that it shocked her but once she recovered she kissed back with the same amount of intencity. I felt my member growing in my pants, Demi apperently senced this because she started to play with the button of my pants, it took her a few tries but she was finally able to unbutton them, the wet material stuck to my skin so I had to break the kiss to work the pants off of me, while I was at it, I took off my underwear and my erection popped out. I threw the soaking wet material over the glass wall and took a step towards Demi who attacked me with a kiss. I placed my hands under her butt and she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist while tangling one hand into my hair and keeping the other at the base of my neck, I held her against the shower wall. I broke the kiss and started to kiss her jawline, slowly working my way to her neck, once I reached her neck I quickly found her soft spot and started to suck on it. Demi was moaning in my ear and I was even more turned on and I didn't think that was possible.

After a few minutes of leaving her hickeys and her begging me, I lined my member up with her driping went hole. I slow slide inside her and started to pump ever so slowly. I felt her vaginal walls squeeze against my stiff member several times but nothing happened, I knew she was just trying to hold off on her orgasm. We were once again attached at the lips but Demi broke the kiss and attached her lips on my neck and started to suck on it, this caused me to groan in her ear and I felt her smile against my neck, I moved my hands to her breast and started to kneed them with my hands. I felt Demi moan against my neck. Soon enough I couldn't hold back anymore, I let my seed fill into her. Demi soon followed with her own orgasm, we rode out our highs together. I felt myself soften and slip from within her. Carefully I set her down so she was standing on her own in the shower. 

I pulled her towards me, out from under the water and then grabbed her shampoo, squirting some a decent amount into my hands. I lathered it up in my hands and then ran it through her hair. Once her hair was shampooed enough she walked back underneath the water and washed it out while looking at me while biteing her lower lip. I felt myself getting turned on once more. 

Once Demi had washed out her hair and conditioned it, she returned the favor and shampooed my hair. I quickly washed it out and then we both took turns washing one anothers body down. We both then stepped out of the shower and dried off, Demi put on her robe hurriedly brushed her hair while I walked into the bed room put a pair of boxers on. When I came back, she looked at me with confusion. 

"Why'd you put on boxers?"  Demi asked me
"Because I didn't want to stand there butt naked"  I replied
"Well its a waste because I'm not done with you mister"  Demi said to me while shaking her finger

I got instently hard. 

Demi turned and walked out of what is now our bathroom, swaying her hips. She let the robe fall off of her body and onto the floor. Oh god, I could have came right then and there but I didn't, I watched Demi as she laid on the bed, her butt sticking up in the air. I rushed over to the bed and pounced on top of her. I kissed her and she immediately deepened it, tangling one hand in my hair and lightly straching my back with her other hand. I rolled us over so she was strattleing me. 

My hands were grabbing her ass while I was leaving kisses on her collarbone. Demi kept moaning in my ear and grinding her middle against my rock hard member. I let go of her ass just so I could slide my boxers off and let my member free, it was pulsing, I grabbed the base of my shaft and thought of something else and soon the need to cum went away. I sucked on the thin sink behind her ear and she started to groan. Demi flipped us over and grabbed my shaft, slowly stroaking me up and down, I groaned at her touch as she rubbed her thumb around the tip of my shaft. I soon had to feel her around me and by the look of her face she felt the same. She wanted me inside her. 

I lined myself up with her enterance for the second time today and slowly penetrated her. I bent my arms so that I could hover over Demi, I took her lips in my own and trace her botton lips with my tounge, begging for enterance which to my pleasure she granted. Our tounges danced with each other and every so often one of us would moan or groan into the kiss. 

We made love for almost a half hour the second time before I felt myself need to cum. I groaned into Demi's breast that I was currently giving each one their own attention, Demi's moans were getting loud so I knew that she was close. I worked her breast for another minute before I felt her vaginal walls tighten around my member. I went back up to her lips and kissed them, that did the trick, Demi let it go and orgasmed which sent me over the top and caused me to cum. Once again we rode out our highs with one another. I slide out of her and laid down next to her, she rolled over so that her head was laying on my chest, my arm was underneath her and soon enough we were both fast asleep. 

I woke up about an hour afterwards and was now spooning Demi. I quietly got out of bed and put on a fresher pair of boxers and a pair of basketball shorts before I walked downstairs to check my sugar and make myself and Demi something to eat. 

While I was making the grilled ham and bacon sandwiches, Demi wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head against my back. She stayed like that until I placed the sandwiches on two different plates and brought them to the table. Demi went and grabbed the glasses while I got the pitcher of ice tea from the fridge. As I followed Demi back to the table, I noticed that she was wearing a thin white sweater type shirt and a pair of short shorts, her hair was once again wet and up in a messy bun. God she looked so beautiful without even trying.

After eatting, Demi washed the plates while I went upstairs to put a shirt on. Once I came back down I found her putting a DVD in the player so I laid on the couch, figuring that Demi would lay half on top of me half next to me. I was right because that's exactly what she did. 

We watched several movies through out the night and while still on the couch, we drifted off to sleep at 4 in the morning. 

Katie's POV

I woke up the following morning to both Lion and Snow licking my face. I pet them both then kissed the top of their heads good morning. I looked at the couch that Selena had slept on, only to find it empty.

I then heard her talking in a slightly hushed voice over in the next room, she seemed angry. I got off the couch and went to investigate. I turned the corner of the hallway and found her sitting at the kitchen table, talking on the phone. She was definitly angry, I could tell by the way her face was contorted but it softened when she saw me. She looked sorry about something, I supposed that I would find out once she was done on the phone. 

While I waited for her to end the phone call, I grabbed myself a bowl and filled it with the cereal that Selena had, then filling the bowl with milk before sitting down across from her. I watched her with intent while I listened to her half of the conversation. 

Her phone conversation ended at the same time I finished my cereal. 

"Alright, what's up. You look mad and sounded really mad"  I said
"They want me in the studio again today at 10. But I don't want to go in because I have you with me"  Selena said
"It's fine. I'll be living the studio life in a few weeks along with the interview life"  I said 

This caused Selena to chuckle at me, probably in agreement 

"But I want to spend time with you today kiddo. So we can go on a morning run with the dogs and then grab breakfast then you can either go home or come to the studio with me" Selena said
"How long will the studio take?"  I asked
"I'll make sure that we are done in two hour's and then we could come back get lunch and then I would take you home"  Selena said
"I'll go to the studio with you"  I said
"Really?"  Selena asked, shocked
"Yea. One because I'm still spending time with you and two because I'm about to be living the studio life"  I said with a laugh
"This is why your my favorite niece"  Selena said smiling
"Um...unless you have an older sister that has kids that I don't know about...then I'm your only niece you dork"  I said sarcastically
"This is true"  Selena said

Selena quickly ate a bowl of cereal before we both got ready to go on our run. We took all three dogs with us since they were all behaved when they went on runs or walks. We walked out of the house and Selena locked the house then we took off. We ran for about an hour before we went back to her house fed the dogs and showered. 

Once ready, Selena and I went to Ihop to get a proper breakfasts. There I was asked for an autograph, I'm not going to lie, it was surprising. I mean I just got signed two days ago and now I have someone asking me for my autograph. Shit that was fast, then again my last name is Lovato so that helps me out I guess.

After we ate, we went straight to the studio where Selena recorded her new song Do It. I was in love withthe raw cut of the song and I couldn't wait until I heard the final cut. Selena also recorded a track to her song The Heart Wants What It Wants which was another song that I couldn't wait to hear the final cut of because it sounded amazing before editing. True to her word, we only spent two hours at the studio before Selena said it was time for us to go. 

On the way home, we stopped at a sub shop and grabbed two monster subs to go then went back to her house. Greeted by the dogs, I got the drinks while Selena got the dogs lunch ready. She fed them each a cup of food three times a day. Once Selena gave the dogs their food, her and I finally dug into our sandwichs. 

After we ate, I made sure that I had brought here back into my bag. Once that was done, Selena drove me back home. Once there, she walked into the house with me because she had to "make sure I got inside safely", I love her but shes a goof. 

It was 1 in the afternoon by the time I got home and I found Demi and Nick fast asleep on the couch in the family room. They were underneath a blanket and cuddleing pretty hard.

"Hey Aunt Selena wanna see Demi and Nick get redder then a tomato?"  I asked

She looked at me surprised and thought about it real hard

"What? No"  she replied.

Okay, so I'm not going to lie but that answer did surprise me but her face said that she wanted to see it happen so I pushed the subject. 

"Oh come on, you know you wanna"  I said

Selena once again thought about this.

"Oh what the hell, yea your right I wanna see it. DO IT"  Selena said while getting excited 

I silently counted to 3 and then did it 

"Oh PLEASE for the love of god don't tell me you guys had SEX on the couch"  I yelled out

I knew they didn't have sex on the couch but I am fairly certain it happened last night. Their skin had a certain glow to it. 

Nick and Demi opened their eyes and looked at me shocked, they were starting to turn red. Before they could respond I continued with my plan.

"If you did, I'm not sitting on that couch. We are getting a new one"  I said

That did the trick, they were beyond red. Selena was laughing from behind me which made me laugh. Demi was the first to speak up. 

"Since when did you become a such a devil my dear daughter?"  Demi asked 

"I honestly have no idea. It came naturally I guess"  I said looking down at my mom

Demi just cracked a smile at me. I jumped over the back of the couch and landed near their feet. Demi started to play with my hand using her foot. 

Selena being the normal person that she tried to be half the time, walked around the couch to sit next to me. Her and Demi talked for a bit, all while I looked at my looked down at my phone. Luke hasn't tried to talk to me in a few days and I texted and called but those went ignored. I know he's probably busy but I miss his voice. I ignored the any negitive thought and instead sent a texts to Bea and Maddie.

Demi must of noticed me looking a little down because she slightly pushed me with her foot, just enough for her to gain my attention. I looked over at me and saw that she wore a facial expression that said "We are going to talk later", I simply nodded at her then got off the couch and made my way upstairs. I went straight for the music room and picked up a guitar. I got a pad of paper from the desk that Demi has in there, I was in the mood to write. So I started to strum the guitar, at first it was a bunch of random notes until I found a melody that clicked then soon enough lyrics came into my head and wrote those down along with the guitar chord that I played just above the lyrics. 

I was soon into the music that I didn't realize that I had an audiance present until they made themselves known. Demi, Selena were standing just inside the room and Nick was leaning against the doorway. I felt my cheeks starting to warm up but I was smiling at them.

"I just wanted to say bye and Demi said you came up here and then I heard you playing and I didn't want to interupt so I just listened. The song sounded beautiful kid" Selena said 

"Thanks Aunt Selena"  I said 

Selena came forward and gave me a hug, kissing the top of my head before she left the room. Demi murmured something to Nick who left the room, I'm guessing to walked Selena out while Demi stayed up here and I knew we were going to have our little talk. 

"So you wanna tell me why you looked at your phone all depressed?"  Demi asked me
"It's just that I haven't heard from Luke in the last few days and I just miss him"  I said while looking at the guitar

I heard Demi walk to me and she sat on her heels. I tilted my head to look at her. 

"Baby-girl. Thats the thing that sucks so hard about being in a long distance relationship, I know how you feel baby. When I was dating Wilmer, I missed him all the time when I was on the road and there were times that I didn't talk to him from days but we worked through that together. And now that I'm with Nick, I know that there will be those times between us but we have a special connection between us. I won't say it gets easier because it doesn't but you learn how to handle it, and this is your first relationship thats such a long distance, so just take it one day at a time, you can always come to me and Nick to talk about this"  Demi said to me

"Thanks momma, you always know what to say"  I said

Demi smiled at me and opened her arms up, I slid off the chair and into them. I stayed there like that for several moments before Demi fell on to her butt. After that we both got up and went downstairs to be with Nick. I cuddled into Demi while she kept me close, Nick had his arm around the both of us. We were watching some show on ID.

"Okay so I've been wondering this since yesterday. What the hell is my last name now? Is it still just Lovato or is it Jonas-Lovato or Lovato-Jonas?"  I asked

There was a moment of silence until Nick spoke up.

"It can be whatever you want it to be kiddo. If you want to be just Lovato or if you want to have Jonas in your last name its all up to you" Nick said

"This is confusing, my name is so damn long already. I need to think about this"  I said 

Demi laughed at this and kissed the top of my head, Nick also chuckled but he patted my shoulder since he couldn't kiss my head from where he was sitting. I turned to Demi and spoke up.

"I blame you for this"  I said with a playful glare

Demi once again laughed and brought me even closer to her, which I didn't mind. I ended up falling asleep cuddleing into Demi's side around 5 in the afternoon but I woke up around 7 laying on top of Demi. I picked my head up and found Demi smiling at me.

"Okay cause that's not creepy at all"  I said 
"You're just too cute when you sleep babygirl, I can't help but to smile"  Demi said
"I have no responce"  I said
"But you just responded"  Demi said 

I simply rolled my eyes at her. 

"Where'd Nick go?"  I asked Demi
"He ordered food and then he went to pack up a few more boxes at his apartment and then on his way back here he will pick up the food and bring it back"  Demi said

"Alright"  I said

I snuggled back into Demi and she wrapped her arms around me. I honestly loved laying with Demi, there didn't have to be talking, there could be dead silence and there was still something being said. We had a unique bond that I never had before, not even with my foster moms. 

Nick came back almost 45 minutes after I had woken up and had food in his hands. It smelled of Chinese food and I hungrily licked my lips. Chinese was my favorite food and I was starting to get really hungry. I set up the table, Demi got the drinks while Nick dished out the food, then we sat down to eat. 

"Dems can you send me that picture you took of me and Katie?"  Nick asked
"Sure thing babe just a sec"  Demi said

She pulled out her phone and set it to Nick. I wonder what he was going to do with then picture. I guess I'll find out in a few minutes. 

I finished eatting before Demi and Nick did and quickly helped myself to a second serving, as that was happening my phone vibrated in my pocket. I ignored it because I was busy eatting and it was going to stay that way until I wasn't hungry anymore. 

But the end of dinner I had three servings of food and let me tell you, that it was really tasty. My stomach is beyond statsifed. After putting my dish into the sink, I checked why my phone vibrated. It was a twitter notification.

@nickjonas: Hey! So I'm a dad now and its to @kdlovato. #proudtobeadad #day2offatherhood 

I retweeted it but changed the caption to it. 

@kdlovato: So @nickjonas is my dad now #imanemikid 

I chuckled at my own tweet, yes I'm that lame. Before I went upstairs, I told Demi and Nick that I would be in the music room. They both said okay a the same time, I then walked upstaits and straight to the music room to write more music. I shut and locked the door, it was sound proof so I wouldn't hear anyone nor would they here me. I stayed there for the rest of the night, almost falling asleep in there. Eventually I went to sleep it was already past midnight and I was beyond tired since I only got about four hours of sleep the night before. 

As I walked to my room, I heard soft snores coming from Nick and Demi's room, I couldn't tell which one was snoring but one of them were. I continued to my room and went to sleep. I didn't even care about changing. 


Hello you lovely humans! 
I'm so sorry about the wait in update, school picked up and I was studying for my finals that take place next week to which I'm a little nervous about but I should be fine. But you guys deserved an update so here you go, sorry if its a little shitty, I rushed it and didn't proof-read it. 

I hope you guys like it never the less. 

Vote and Comment what you wanna see happen lovelies!

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