Pro Move

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You quietly appeared behind a salamander, he couldn't even notice your presence.

"Wait, when did he come out??" The rookie said, so as the sylph girl.

When the salamander was staring at the rookie, I lifted my cane above his head. Then I hit him with all my might and knocked him down to the ground. Then you stepped on him and killed him.

"What?!!" The other salamanders exclaimed, one of them charged to you as well, you stood still and let him attack you.

He swinged his lance, you dodged to the left and spinned around. Then you held your cane and hit his waist, which heavily wounded his organs and blew him away. He died.

The last salamander stood still with shock, he looked at you with shock and terror.

"I-I-I-I give up!!! D... Don't.... DON'T KILL ME!! I AM STILL TRYING TO LEVEL UP MY MAGIC TO 900!!!" He screamed.

"... Alright." you said calmly.

He was surprised. "Really?!!" He asked.

"Yes." You responded that you would let him go, you kept standing and watched him slowly flying away from you.

"... As if." You ensured that he wouldn't turn back, then you pulled you cane to the back and aimed at him. You threw your cane out with all your might, the cane flew towards his spine and broke it.

He yells in pain, "Y...You son of a bitc-"

When he was about to finish the sentence , you flew towards him and get your cane back, you hit his skull and knocked him to the tree, he's dead as well.

"God damn..." The new spriggan said.

The sylph girl held her sword tightly and looked at me with alert in her eyes.

"How should I do? Thank you? Run away? Or.... FIGHT YOU?" She said to you and the rookie.

"Aren't we going to play a shitty script that the knight saved the princess and then the princess hugged him and bawled out uncontrollably, then the rookie beside you just kept bowing and thank me, then handing out everyone cent he has or something like this?" You said, "What's your name spriggan?"

"Kirito...." He reponded slowly.

"No way!! Are you stupid!!!" She yelled.

"Maybe." You responded.

"So why are you saving me?" She asked with a suspicious look.

"For the reason I wanted to save you.... Nothing else, just because I wanted to help a beauty." You said.

"A.... A beauty?" She blushed and sluttered.

"Yes." You said.

"But.... What are you spriggans doing here?" She asked.

"I.... I get lost." Kirito said.

"Huh? Are you an idiot?" You said.

"Pfft, you spriggans territory is at the far east!!! How could someone possibly get lost?!" The sylph laughed.

"That's hurts..."

"Anyway what's your name beauty?" You asked.

The sylph slightly blushed, "L... Leafa...."

"Wow! You're awesome!!! What's your name?!!" Suddenly a small pink fairy in flew out from Kirito's pocket.

"I am (p/n), you can call me Magician or whatever you like." You answered that small fairy, and the only ones that called you a Magician are the other elf leaders.

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