Leo: You could've been. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Hazel: No! I would be dead by now!

Leo: You should be dead right now.

Piper *Ahem*

Hazel: Sorry.

Piper: They went awful. The first three were the worst. They were too hippie-dippie. Mom told me that they would be perfect for me. I was like 'yeah there is no way I'm going back to them.

Frank: What happened to the other four?

Piper: The last two were the best. More down to earth. I'm still in contact with the first of the second. I think he's a demigod but I'm not sure.

Leo: Awesome! More demigod guys to join the party.

Percy: Well Annabeth and I have just been having a grand 'ol time being woken up by Estelle at 3:00 in the morning!

Me: At least you haven't been having bad dreams.

Percy: True, true.

Leo: We should all meet up somewhere in Manhattan. Maybe near Mount Olympus?

Piper: Yeah but transportation wise...

Leo: Dude you could get your dad's chopper! And Frank, you can fly Hazel over to Manhattan.

Frank: Do you know how much energy that takes?

Leo: Yeah but we all need to meet this guy Piper brings over.

Percy: The sibling-hood needs to join and approve this man.

Our chat went on for two hours until Paul had to get up for work. We were supposed to be finding jobs or an apartment according to him. Sally had different ideas about what we should be doing. She said that if we leave our humanly worries behind, we will be able to enjoy our youth and be happy together.

"That sounds like something on the back of an R.O.F.L cupcake simulation." Percy would always say after Sally told us her thoughts.

"What will it be like for them when we go to New Rome for college? They'll be so disappointed." I told Percy, "Your mom always wanted us to study here in Manhattan."

He shrugged, "I don't think it'll be that hard for them. They're used to us being dependent on them and cramped in this little apartment. It'll be good for them to get some more space and be alone with Estelle." He flopped back down onto the bed and closed his eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah, I guess so." I continued typing on my laptop.

Then I had a dream. I was in a field. There was a slim woman made of dirt. She didn't appear to be wearing anything and she looked like she was asleep. The only thing was her glowing eyes. They were white. Blinding white. If-you-looked-into-her-eyes-you-would-be-disintegrated white. The thing that drew my eye was the girl. She looked to be about 13 or 14 with gorgeous chocolate-y brown hair and eyes. Her skin was tan and smooth. She looked so young yet so old. Her dress seemed to be morphing into different elements. A crown of ice and bark sat on her head, melting into a veil that was made of water (something Percy could do). The bodice of her dress was made of chunks of rocks with molten lava flowing through them into leaves. Jade green leaves that withered and crumpled into stunning fall colors and then into a train of dirt and saplings that mixed into the veil of water and turned to mud, sinking into the ground but forever flowing. A voice hissed in my head. Hello Annabeth. It has been a long time since I have seen you. And then I knew. Gaea. But what is she doing manipulating me? It has been a while hasn't it? I have found a new servant. A girl whose father abandoned her even though he swore to the sea spawn along with all of the other gods that he would claim his children. She is loyal to me because of the strife the Olympians have caused her.

The girl stepped forward with pleading eyes, "Find me Annabeth. Please."

I woke up gasping. I looked at the clock. It said 8:22. Percy looked at me and blinked groggily "Whuzzu?"

I took a deep breath, "I had a dream." I explained the dream to him.

"Okay so all we have to do is find a random girl, introduce her to her godly parent, and then still convince Gaea not to take over the world. Again. Piece of cake." he chuckled. "Everything will be fine." he smiled.

He leaned in and kissed me. I loved the salty ocean taste of his lips. He pulled away. "Best to get our day started." He got up and walked to the door. I followed him out the door and slipped my hand into his. When we entered the kitchen, Sally was standing at the stove cooking bacon, eggs, and pancakes(blue of course) and she greeted us with a smile. "Annabeth could you go and get Estelle?" I nodded and went to Estelle's room. When I got there Estelle was cooing at the turquoise orbs of water floating around the room. I picked her up. It was amazing how much she looked like Percy. I wondered about our future all the time but this time it wasn't just about if we were going to get married, it was about our kids too. There was also the tiny flicker of doubt that Percy would get bored of me and leave. But no. He promised me on the River Styx that he would never leave me. Percy walked in.

"Hey. What's taking you so long?" He wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh you know, just thinking about our future. Marriage, kids, and stuff." I sighed

"Oh so normal demigod stuff?" I nodded. We stood like that together for a couple of minutes. I could almost imagine that Percy and me had started a little family and Estelle was our child. My eyes filled with tears. It was something I wanted so bad. No. I didn't want it, I needed it. He took my hand and we walked back to the kitchen together. When we got back, Sally had already served our plates and had taken out Estelle's baby food. We devoured our breakfast quickly and went to the living room. I sat down on the couch and Percy laid his head in my lap. He scanned through the channels on TV and I paged through an architecture book. Sally came in with Estelle and sat down in the armchair across from us. She bounced Estelle on her lap. 

Percy stood up. "Um, Annabeth can I talk to you? Alone?"

I nodded and followed him out and we stood in the doorway. He clasped my hands and said, "Annabeth, I have loved you since the moment I met you all those years ago. You are my Wise Girl and I hope you always will be." He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box. My hands flew to my face and tears came to my eyes. I let out a little squeal. 

"Wise Girl, will you marry me and stay with me for the rest of time?"

I snatched the ring out of his hands and examined it. It had a gold band. In the center there was a sea green peridot gemstone and a blue-gray spinel gemstone put next to each other to represent the color of our eyes. Spheres of light pink rose quartz went down each side. On the inside of the gold band there was something engraved on the band. It said, Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl 4 Evr. A year trickled down my cheek. I grabbed Percy's shirt collar and pulled him up. I slapped him across the face.

 His eyes filled with alarm. "I hate you Seaweed Brain." Then I pulled him in and kissed him fiercely, breathing in his salty ocean smell.

"Is that a yes Wise Girl?"

I squealed. "YES!!!!" He pulled me in tightly and whispered in my ear, "I swear on the River Styx that I will never leave you." Tears ran down my face. I looked up into his sea green eyes and smiled. I just smiled. I couldn't do any thing else but smile as Sally ran to kitchen to call Paul. All of a sudden there was a pounding on the front door. When Percy and I went to open it, there was a pounding on the sliding glass door that led to the balcony.

"I'll get the door." I said still smiling like a dork.

Percy grinned at me. "I'll get the balcony."

I ran to the door. I opened it and squealed.

Author's Note:
Sorry about the cliff hanger. I guess you'll just have to read the next chapter.😉

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