
Just like vampires need blood and people need food to survive, a wizard also needs something to recover after using a lot of spells or difficult ones. Every wizard has a different amount of stamina, that depends on the age, experience and on the kind of spells one of them uses.

With that being said and being Yoongi the most powerful wizard alive, he was obviously the one with the biggest amount of stamina. In fact, his stamina was unlimited.

Stamina's regeneration also depended on the wizard's age, experience and spells. Someone older and wiser, someone who only used his powers for good, would regain stamina faster than someone who only does it for their own good.

Taehyung could never have the same amount of stamina and it could never regenerate as faster as Namjoon's, not only because of his experience when compared to his older brother, but also because he didn't really use his powers for the best of reasons.

The young wizard couldn't stop thinking about how his spell didn't work on Myunghee. Who the hell was controlling her?

Namjoon? No. He can't. He knows what she looks like but I know him well enough to know that he would never use magic on someone he doesn't even know.

Taehyung sighed in exasperation as he was walking slowly, kicking and smashing dry leaves while trying to come up with an explanation on his head, as to why the spell didn't work.

"Wait... Is it Jimin?" Taehyung stopped on the middle of the sidewalk and asked to himself, but then he chuckled and continued making his wait to his house.

No, it was way too easy to put a spell on him as well and I didn't feel a very strong aura coming from him.

Taehyung continued thinking about it but he didn't seem to find the answer to his questions. He didn't even want to imagine another wizard coming out of nowhere ready to protect Myunghee and ruin everything. He refused to believe that. He didn't want to believe that, he'd be so angry he'd probably do something crazy. As if what he was doing wasn't already crazy enough.


In the morning, Namjoon woke up early and left the hotel where he decided to stay in and drove to Taehyung's house.

It was still very painful for him to wait for his younger brother outside instead of knocking on the door and waiting for him on the inside of the house, sitting on the couch where he used to cuddle with Taehyung and their mom while watching anime. He definitely had the time of his life.

Namjoon smiled, even though it hurt. He'd much rather hide his feelings than show everyone how broken he was on the inside. After a few minutes staring at the house, he finally saw the door opening and revealing Taehyung who walked directly towards Namjoon's car once he noticed his brother was already there.

"7:45. I actually thought you'd leave me here waiting for half an hour and we'd end up being late to our meeting with Mr. Min. Guess I was wrong." Namjoon said with a smile as soon as his younger brother opened the door and sat on the seat beside him. "Good morning."

"Of course. The Kims are never late." Taehyung winked.

"I see you're in a good mood today."

"Yeah, let's just say I'm very excited to meet Mr. Min. He's the man of my dreams." Taehyung's eyes were shining, showing how much he admired the older and incredible wizard, but as soon as he noticed how weird his words probably sounded on Namjoon's ears. "Oh not like that, don't worry." Taehyung chuckled. "Let's go, I don't want to be late!"

Namjoon laughed at Taehyung's excitement and started the car to drive to the beautiful garden, in where Taehyung's destiny would be decided. And if at that point magic was his favorite weapon, from that day on, it could become his misery.


Hello, loves!
A lot of things happened with this story. I stopped writing, I unpublished it, I thought about unpublishing it and deleting it. It has been hard, not gonna lie. But some of you helped me get through my doubts and fears so I decided to publish a new chapter. I don't know how I feel about it and I'm sure this story isn't as captivating or interesting as others, I noticed I've been losing lots of readers. And yes, that's normal. Even I stop reading stories I once started reading and actually loved. New stories come, new responsabilities come as well and unfortunately, real life doesn't wait for us. I really hope this story gets to more people some day but if it doesn't, it's okay as well, as long as you, the one reading this right now, like it. Please, tell me your thoughts on it, okay? I'm trying so hard not to give up on this one tbh, I really don't want to disappoint you.
What do you think it will happen on their meeting?

Love you all so much ❤️

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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