You can't run from the truth🍋

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As expected everyone is freaking out but some are okay with it "no matter what no one is killing anyone, a stupid secret can't be worth anyone of our life" kaito said "oh that was my idea cause im the mastermind" kokichi said in hopes of making everyone angry "do you really think the real mastermind would just out himself like that?" Kiibo said "reverse psychology nishishi" kokichi laugh "kokichi.... if you really are using reverse psychology then why say it?" Kiibo said annoyed "ah geez you got me...or did you" "you were just as suprised as the others when you saw your paper. Stop trying to mess with our head brat" maki said in a monotone voice

~Night announcement~
~Time skip~ tomorrow is their due and still no one killed anyone yet like kokichi is secretly hoping

Everyone headed to their dorm wishing that this is just a messed up nightmare. Wanting all of this to be over except for one person, shuichi if not he's actually excited to see all of their despair faces. All of them used all of their free time convincing and be friending the one they got on the paper and shuichi was gonna do that too but couldn't find kokichi anywhere

Shuichi tries to sleep but finding it hard cause of his excitement "mhm~ i just cant wait" he closed his eyes and after a few minutes finally sleeps

"Morning... looks like you all failed you know what that means?" Monokuma said disappointed that no one killed anyone yet "all of you will get those secrets with the person's name written on it. its up to you on what to do with it and for the love of god just start killing each other already its getting boring" shuichi looked at his "no way... you can't be serious" he could feel a blush forming on his cheeks "ah this can't... I'll ask him later"


Kokichi's pov:

I dont wanna go outside and face him but i know i should... maybe if i just act normal then make up a story on how im the mastermind and i put my secret as a lie? Ah that might work. I almost forgot to check my monopad... "wait what?" Maybe i have a chan- Ahhh! Stupid idiot just because he's gay doesn't mean he likes you ugh my throat feels scratchy again. I walk towards the cafeterias table, everyone already there and their food almost finished except korekiyo.. its like he doesn't even want to eat. I might have a clue on who's secret he got

"Aww already eating without the supreme leader?" I tried to break the silence "what took you so long kokichi?" Shuichi smiled at me i swear i could feel my heart melting by that sweet smile "hmm why do you care? M-miss me?" I STUTTERED what?! I have never even stuttered my life. i sit down at the one empty chair unfortunately its near my beloved... can i do this whole day without chocking thorns? "Uh..maybe... just worried is all" shuichi replied quietly "kokichi can i talk to you later? 6pm" Shuichi whispered to my ears "y-yeah sure whatevs" dang it why do i keep stuttering.

Third person pov

The supreme leader impatiently wait for the time then he heard a knock on his door already knowing who it it. Kokichi follows shuichi to his dorm. Shuichi made sure to get rid of all the evidence suggesting he's the mastermind, after they both entered shuichi locked the door but before kokichi could ask why shuichi said "kokichi... is that true?" Shuichi doesn't know why he wants to know but there's this voice in his head telling him to "uhhh no! Im actually the mastermind and i put mine as a lie nishishi what? Getting your hopes up?" Obviously shuichi knows this is a lie he is the mastermind afterall "if you are the mastermind then wouldn't that be the secret on my monopad?" Kokichi tries to think of something to say but before he could he felt the other's lips touch his, even shuichi doesn't know why he did it just kokichi's face in despair but trying to hide it turns him on and couldn't help but taste his lips and having kokichi on his team wouldn't be bad. They could both feel their face heat up "ah~ w-why did you do that" kokichi looked at his side trying to hide his blush "d-do you want more? If you say the truth then i will continue"

".........fine..... only because i love you saihara chan yes.. its all true. im sorry" *badump* shuichi could feel his heart going crazy right now "i want to help you kokichi but i need your permission first" shuichi tries not to let kokichi's face take over his mind but maybe it too late ((yes even mm shuichi believes in consent and so should you))

"y-you can do a-anything you want to me just be gentle please" kokichi completely let his mask break. If this is a dream he sure doesn't wanna wake up anymore

((SMUT/LEMON WARNING!! You can skip this part now if you want))

That was the last straw for the "detective" he let his desires take over him. As the other said he gently placed kokichi on the bed kissing his forehead "don't worry it won't hurt" shuichi whispered then licks kokichi's left ear. He takes off kokichi's clothes trying to tease him a little then take kokichi's scarf and used it to tie kokichi's hands together. He takes his shirt off too which kokichi couldn't help but stare at while blushing harder "don't stare too much" "ack! N-no i-" shuichi sloppily kissed kokichi while removing the other's pants. He traced circles on kokichi's stomach trying to make the him moan but to no avail "guess i'll just go for it" shuichi thought to himself then slides his hand on kokichi's member "hnggg~ shu~shuichi~ if you keep doing that..." "its okay you can cum" shuichi use his other hands to play with kokichi's nipples "ahhh~ im close-" "already?" Kokichi noded "s-sorry~! Ahhh~ sh-shuichi i love you~" shuichi could feel his cheeks blushing again i mean who wouldn't if someone said that to them "ah you cum so much im glad you enjoy it that much but we aren't done ye-" "hah?!? He's asleep? Make sense he didn't sleep good last night. We will just continue once you already know my real secret" shuichi got the tissue and clean the smaller boy then remove the tie on his hand and cover him with the blanket so he wouldn't feel cold "weird... i thought i only want him cause i was really horny but why do i care so much about him right now? Am i really catching feeling? No way... though i think he's actually cute- ah! Stop this thoughts are annoying me! Im only gonna use him for my plan ok? No catching feelings or anything" shuichi thought to himself. He's kind of tired too. he looked at his monopad "wow its already THAT late did we seriously just only do that and the time still went so fast" he could feel his eyes getting tired too so he decided to sleep beside kokichi, hugging him for warmth

Kokichi Hanahaki Disease X Mastermind ShuichiWhere stories live. Discover now