The secret motive

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"Rise and shine, ursine!" monophanie announced. Shuichi rubbed his eyes adjusting to the bright lights. He go and took his laptop to check what he learned yesterday "uhh what was it? Hana-" "new motive my students upupu now meet us at the cafeteria and remember don't be late" "WHAT? A new motive? I didn't even say anything yet there's a new motive?" Shuichi is obviously stressed out but this stupid motive can't be that bad right?

He looked back at his laptop wanting to know more about this disease. He read the page "so basically its cause by one sided love and its very deadly cause if its not cured in time the sufferer might die. It can be cure if the patient's beloved love them back or an expensive surgery" "BINGO" a sudden voice appeared "monokuma what are you doing in my room? Did i say youre allowed here?" "Upupupu why are you in such a bad mood?" Monokuma laughed "and what the hell was that motive?!" Shuichi looked at the bear with hatred cause he knows this motive can ruin the game "well the viewers are interested in kokichi's desease so i just granted their wishes, isn't that so kind of me?" Shuichi rolled his eyes "what even is this motive?" "Upupu nope. can't say it right now" "ugh okay i'll just get ready i'll meet you there and it better not be some stupid motive"

Shuichi stands up from his bed and put his hat on. Walking towards the door thinking about the possibilities of them knowing he's the mastermind.

Once everyone arrived the monokubs starts speaking "ehem... good morning as you all know pops has something to say" said monosuke "NEW MOTIVE! Isn't that exciting?...ah...what is the motive again?" "...poor monotaro he forgot again" monophanie chirped in "aren't they so adorable?" Monokuma said sighing

"Just tell us already god dangit" kaito yelled obviously annoyed cause the students are only getting along... well except for kokichi ofcourse

"Couldn't you be any louder?" Kokichi said "wouldn't it be so despairful if everyone's secrets get told to one of the students?" Monokuma said. Everyone was obviously shocked by this especially kokichi, shuichi and maki but non of them wants to show it in their face "upupupu nervous? Like i said it will only be said to one of the students so pick one" monokuma walked up to them with a cup full of papers with their names

((Basically danganronpa 1 motive but only one of them will know))

Once all of them got one they look at the papers which also has their secrets in them "WHAT THE HELL? How did you even know this?" Miu said in disbelief

The results

Their secrets (some are made up by monokuma and some are real but all of them thinks its realy. Oh and trigger warning!!)
Kiibo= has an self destruction button
Kokichi=hanahaki disease and his secret crush on shuichi
Maki= she is actually the ultimate assassin
Miu= have abusive parents
Kaito= almost killed someone before
Kirumi= has poisoned one of her master before
Korekiyo= his sister which live inside him
Ryoma= has killed more than 50 people
Angie= was bullied when she's a kid
Tenko= likes girls
Tsumugi= mostly ignored all her life for being plain so she starts cutting
Himiko= done with how annoying tenko is with her
Gonta= he thinks poodle moths are overrated ((he's baby))
Shuichi= he's gay

Shuichi sighs in relief knowing it wasn't what he thought it is "don't want any of that to spill? Then take a part on some good ol' murder you only have 2 days till then upupupu" monokuma and the monokubs walked off

Kokichi quickly ripped paper not wanting anyone to know, the others did the same already memorized who the one their secrets will get told to

"Ugh lame... and i thought this motive will be exciting i have such a boring one" kokichi pretends to not be concerned "then why ripped it?" Himiko said. Kokichi tries to think of a cover up but couldn't think of one "bingo" miu was about to say something but then a murmuring could be heard

"Please atua save me" "atua i pray for you to not make this real" "atua please help me" it was angie, you can see her eyes getting watery tenko quickly run to comfort her "its gonna be okay" some of them stayed there discussing the motive but some just wants to leave and rest. Shuichi noticed kokichi leaving so he did too having an urge to see how he reacts.

Kokichi runs to his dorm trying not to break in tears like angie did "what am i gonna fucking do now?" He finally entered his room. Tears falling from his eyes "im doomed... god fucking dangit why did the stupid bear have to do that? What if he doesn't like me back? What if he ignores me and think of me as disgusting? What am i gonna do now?" Kokichi put his hand on his hair wanting to hurt himself cause of his stupid heart choosing shuichi saihara over anyone else


Shuichi pov:

I wish this thing has speakers on i cant hear what he's saying but it seems to be upsetting for him... rantaro's already dead so why worry this much? He wouldn't know about your secret crush on him so why..... unless it not- no i maybe overthinking this again. I closed the monitors then lay on my bed. ofcourse im not too worked up about this than them cause mine isn't that bad... well it might make some of them disgusted but who cares? Atleast they dont know that im the mastermind

i thought about what monokuma said to me earlier when i ask him if i could know everyone's secrets "interested aren't we? No can do since you're actually part of this motive you can't just know them it will be too boring for the-" "viewers? ok i get it"

Im still pretty annoyed since i want to make sure if kokichi's is what i think it is... not that i care.. just curious

((Wow i actually updated see im not dead. Im bored while in self quarantine rn so i figured updating this story might be a good idea. Also you guys be safe, okay?))

Kokichi Hanahaki Disease X Mastermind ShuichiWhere stories live. Discover now