Levi grunted and mocked Eren, "Look how cute you are." Levi stared at the picture a moment before he realized Eren was quiet. He looked over at Eren who was intensely staring back at him. "...What?"

"You should do it."

Levi played stupid, "Do what?"

"You know what I mean."

"No I don't."

Eren sighed and nudged Levi, "Model for me... Please Levi." Levi rolled his eyes and looked away from Eren. "Come on. You love me right? I'm your boyfriend... You should do it for your boyfriend. It doesn't have to be for anyone else, just me. I won't give the pictures to anyone... Please."

Levi's brows furrowed, "Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to be in a relationship with you... I don't like how you're blackmailing me with our relationship. That's immature." Levi did the ultimate mistake of turning his head towards Eren. His bottom lip was pushed out in a pout, eyes big and pleading. It was the strangest thing. Levi felt like something inside him falter and break. He grunted in displeasure as he covered his face with his hands. Levi leaned over, falling onto the arm rest, "Tch. Whatever. Fine. Okay. Shit. Ugh. I'm agreeing on the conditions that you said. Only you can take my picture and you can't give it to anyone..." He sighed as he gave in to Eren's demands. Damn you, Eren... and your face...

There was a sudden burst of joy coming from Eren. He shot up and out of the couch. He punched the air. Levi could see how Eren's eyes lit up, he thought it was interesting that Eren could get so excited over something so simple... It must mean a lot to him... "Oh! Come with me to the basement! I need to get my camera ready and everything set up so you'll have to wait a moment. Gah! I can't wait!" Eren immediately headed for the basement and Levi found himself following along. This won't be too bad... Hopefully...

The basement was the same as Levi remembered it for the most part. Though, a couple things were shifted around and there was even new things now. There were different costumes hanging on the rack as well as different props in the set up. Levi noticed how eagerly Eren was while trying to set up. Just watching him made Levi nervous but he had already decided that he'd would do this. No backing out of this. Besides, it makes Eren happy... "So... What am I supposed to do, Eren?"

Levi watched as Eren fumbled with things in his hands. Eren quickly emptied his hands. "Um... Well don't hate me but... I'd like you to try something on." Eren said sheepishly. There was a light pink on his cheeks as he basically dove into the costume. It literally took Eren two minutes to find what he was looking for. He pulled out something that was hanging on a coat hanger. Levi was sort of curious to know what it was, he couldn't tell right now because it was covered in some kind of plastic. Eren handed the, what was presumably a costume of sorts, to Levi. "There's a small changing room right over there. I hope you like it." Eren said as he pointed.

Turning, Levi could see a door. He looked at the costume in his hands and then the door. His feet automatically started to work. He soon found himself closing the door behind him. Now, it was time to reveal what was inside the plastic bag. Levi actually felt interested to know what it is. He carefully unzipped the bag, then opened it slowly. He paused. Levi was impressed. Black like his hair, it looked like something a high commanding officer would wear... but maybe a little more scandalous in some way... and it was nice. Nice in terms of... How to describe it... it is really well-made. Levi found himself eager to try it on.

To describe the way the uniform fit... was by far impossible. Levi felt his lips curl up as he looked at himself in the mirror. He blinked and took a closer look at a tag that was on it. Corporal Levi. Rubbing his figures across the texture of the fabric, Levi felt satisfied. This was way better than the things that the crazy scientists would make him wear... It even came with these marvelous emblems on it. It was the design of overlapping wings. One was colored in, the other white... The best part of it was the words under the emblem. 'Wings of Freedom' This costume really was wonderful... It fit perfectly, probably tailored to fit... Levi felt powerful in the costume. Brave. Strong. Like he could take on almost anything...

Levi's Wings of Freedom (LevixEren) Shingeki no KyojinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ