Chapter 47- 2 years later

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*Steve's Point is view*

Two years. No leads. No other communication after that letter, no form of contact with her. She told me to move on but I simply can't! Clint is trying to remain positive for Wanda's sake but when she isn't around, he basically just loses all hope and positivity. I can't be happy not knowing whether she is okay, I can't be happy knowing she is out there somewhere. Two years of pain.

We tried to track where the letter came from but because it had no return address, we can't be sure where it's from. The most we got was Asia or Europe. We can't hunt two continents, billions of people live on both and we don't even know for sure if one of them in Nat, assuming she is alive. God, I hope so. I wIll search forever until I die for Natasha, whether she is alive or dead, she deserves rest.

"Steve, come on, we have a mission." Tony burst into the observation room, taking me out of my daydream.
"Yes, I'm coming." I replied, standing up and taking my Shield out with me. I knew I had a mission, hence the reason why I'm already in my suit. I walked beside Tony up to the Jet Bays.

"Any luck?" He asked.
"Is there ever?" I returned
"Steve, maybe it's time to give up-" Tony started but I interrupted him.
"No, it's not." I snapped back, refusing to let her go.
"Steve, hear me out-"
"Tony, I can't just give up on her!" I yelled.
"But, look at the facts-"
"No, Tony! I will find her."
"Steve, what if she's..."
"She's what?! Dead?! Even if she is, she deserves to be at rest. Not buried in the woods. I'm going to find her, no matter what, with or without your support." I snapped and Tony went quiet. We turned a corner and Clint, Sam and Bucky were staring at us. I immediately felt bad. Everyone thinks she's dead, but gave up looking for her body. She deserves to be at rest. I know she's not dead, don't ask me how bug I do know.

"Come on, guys, let's go." Tony walked fast ahead of me, walking straight on the jet. I followed behind him and the other three followed me. I sat in the back, at the corner, avoiding everyone. Sam and Bucky sat at the front while Clint decided to sit next to me. Tony was piloting. He came out of the cockpit.
"We're going to Paris. We have reports of a base on the outskirts of Paris and we need to destroy it. Two agents are going around Europe, protecting Hydra bases. Fury called us in to step in and stop them." He announced, before going back to the cockpit.

"What did he say now?" Clint asked.
"Maybe I should give up. I just can't give up on her, I know she's alive but I don't know how I know that. I just miss her." answered, playing with my fingers.
"We all do, Steve. Tony is just doing what she asked him to, protecting you to make sure your okay. I know searching for her is what you think is giving you peace but it's not. Searching for her has taken over your life, you need to try and live like she said she wanted you to. I'm not saying give up on her because well, she's my sister and I can't give up on her, and you love her as much as I do, possibly more. But, Steve, you have to understand that everyone is just trying to help, following what she asked to do. I have to keep going, especially for my family and my kids, you should to, for the whole team." Clint stated. I have been snapping at people lately. I will never forget her, but maybe I just have to learn to live with it. I love her to pieces and that will never change, but I have to live like she wanted me to.
"Clint, how do you do it?" I pleaded.
"You stay positive about it, you keep going, you keep living. You help where you can to get your mind off the whole subject, I'm not saying forget it, I'm saying remember the bits you can celebrate. I'll do it with you. We can get through this." He smiled. I returned the smile and rubbed my eyes.
"Thank you, Clint." I yawned. I haven't slept in a few days.
"No problem, Cap. Get some sleep, you haven't slept in days. I'll wake you when we get close." Clint smiled, standing up and walking over to Tony.

I got myself comfy over two seats, putting my legs up with my head supported by my arms. I let the awaiting darkness consume me as I drifted into a much needed doze.

The bare darkness surrounded me, like a group of daunting men towering towering above me. No light was to be seen, but somehow it was light enough to see the outlines of my suit and faded colours on it. Straight ahead of me, a ray of light shone in my direction, guiding a path for me to follow. I desperately ran, intrigued by what was at the end of the light.

As I neared, the light produced a silhouette of pure beauty. Shoulder length straight hair dangled of their head, a feminine physique that looked like it was deadly, but I wanted to explore further. I stopped running, turning into a walk which allowed the figure to move. Another ray of light came from behind me, I turned around to look big no other figure was produced. The second light ray allowed the beautiful red of the silhouettes hair to be visible. I stopped dead. It can't be. She can't be here. Can she?

The figure walked towards me. Every step she took, it was clearer of who it was. Tears formed in my eyes as tears fell from hers. The dark lighting lifted to reveal who I'd never thought I would see again.

Emerald eyes stared in shock into my eyes. It was Natasha.
"Nat?" I questioned, a smile forming on my face.
"Steve!" She answered, throwing herself onto me, which I gladly took. I gripped hold of her waist and buried my head into the crook of her neck. She's here. She's really here!
"I love you so much." I smiled, crying.
"I missed you so much!" She cried.
"Please don't leave me again, I can't handle it!" I cried back.
"I have to." She said. She pulled away and smiled.
"No, no, no, please." I begged.
"Steve, it's a dream. I have to leave, believe me, I don't want to. I love you." She smiled.
"Nat, please don't go." I cried.
"I have to." She started fading, her body dissolving into fireflies, glistening in the light. "I will always love you." She smiled as she faded away. I fell to my knees, crying. Pain had put a stake in my heart.

I awoke to Clint violently shaking me.
"Come on, we nearly here." He smiled.

End of 2 years later

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