Chapter 24- Hospital pt.2

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*Natasha's point of view*

Steve originally thought nothing of the fact that I was awake. He just looked up, bags under his ocean eyes. I love those eyes. He leaned back in his chair, again not noticing me awake and looked up at me. Something must've clicked in his brain because soon he was standing up with his hands over his mouth. We locked eyes and I just laughed.
"Say hi, then!" Wanda said, clearly excited to see our interaction. Clint lightly punched her. "Ow!"
"Come on, Wand, let's go find the doctor." He said standing up, dragging Wanda with him, before leaning over to me. "I'm glad your back, Nat. I'll be back in a minute." He said, standing back up and pushing Wanda out the door.

I turned back to Steve who was still standing up, clearly shocked. He looked kinda cute. I smiled widely at him, looking up at him.
"A Hi will be okay Steve!" I laughed, seeing him struggling for words.
"Hi! Oh my gosh, your awake!" He finally spoke, moving his chair closer to me and sitting down.
"I didn't realise I was awake!" I laughed and he smiled.
"Shut up, Nat. I'm just glad your okay. How are you?!" He asked, looking seriously into my eyes.
"I've got a fucking painful headache!" I laughed and he laughed with me.
"That's what happens when you wack your head against the wall!" We laughed.

"Do you remember what happened?" Oh shit. I refused to think about it till now! I'm scared to! Our smiles faded.
"Yeah, kinda. The last bit was a bit fuzzy but I know vaguely what happened." I replied.
"Do you think you could run me through it? I just want to make sure you can remember because Fury wants to talk to you." Shit. Fury is gonna send me to a counsellor.
"I was sparring with you, I got up to leave, I... er... we argued." Damn this is getting awkward. "I told you I... err..."
"Go from after you left, it's fine, you dont have to repeat it." He said, smiling weakly. I returned the smile. He has such a warm heart!
"I was basically stumbling down the corridor and I tripped over myself, banging my head in the process." I confessed.
"Is that it?" Hes pushing to see if I heard what he said.
"You were next to me, calling for help, and err..." I paused, if I can't say I like him, how am I supposed to say he loves me!
"Is that everything?" His eyes were defeated, he looked hopeful yet pained. He thinks I didn't hear it.
"Not quite." I said.
"What else?" He asked, the hope in his eyes shone brighter than ever.
"You.. er.." I've got to say now, I can't back down now. I took a deep breath. "You told me you love me." I answered, releasing the breath I didn't realise I was holding, from the sound of it, so did Steve.

I turned my head away from Steve, waiting for him to say he regrets saying it, that it was a spare of the moment type of thing. I waited and I waited.
"Can I be honest?" He said, here we go. He is going to say he doesn't like me, I can tell. I turned my head back around to face him, nodded and waited for a reply. "I didn't expect you to tell me you heard that!" He laughed, and so did I. He's not lying. I have a feeling I'm having some painkiller that has confidence side effects. The laughter died down and he waited for me to say something.

"I'm not gonna tell Fury." I said, recapturing his attention.
"About what?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
"About what happened. He's going to ask for my view on what happened and when he realises theres a common denominator for my anxiety attacks, he's gonna kick me off the team. Or worse, you." He seemed a little shocked by my remark.
"So what are you gonna tell him?" He asked.
"I'm just going to say it was me, we were in the gym but nothing happened between us, only we know about that because I'm sure you haven't told anyone. We are going to say I just freaked out from my past. Perfect cover story." I stated and he nodded.

"Are we going to talk about what happened or-" Steve was interrupted.
"Hey Nat, we're back!" Wanda said, walking back through the door with Clint trailing behind.
"Hey." I said, slightly annoyed that I didn't finish my time with Steve.
"So, how are you?" Wanda asked.
"I'm good, apart from a headache!" I replied.
"Nat," Clint looked at me seriously "do you know what happened to you?"
"Not after I fell unconscious." I answered.
"You were rushed in to hospital by ambulance, mainly due to your head injury." Clint began "They cleaned your head but found your stress hormone levels to be seriously high." I  saw Steve look to his feet, he still thinks it's his fault. "After seeing were unresponsive in waking up, they took you to have an xray. You had a bleed on the brain, caused by a mix of both your head injury and your stress." Wanda shifted in her seat. God it's been hard. "The doctors told us you were in a Coma. You have been for five and half months." I have been what now!?

The news completely shook me. Five and a half months. Steve was here for nearly five and a half months!?
"Nat, please stay calm, I know it's a lot to take in." Wanda said, holding my hand. Steve had hold of the other hand while Clint was rubbing my arm. I took a few deep breaths before talking.
"Did they er... did they do anything about the bleed or am I just going down hill?" What if I'm dying?! I've only just found out Steve loves me and I could be dying!
"I just spoke to the doctor and they are going to take you in for another xray first thing tomorrow. They reckon the reason your awake is because either the bleed has been healed or is healing. Your going in the right direction." Clint said, rubbing my arm.
"But, what if... if its neither?" I looked over at Steve, who put his head in his hands. He obviously knows the answer.
"Then you... you could... it could be fatal." Clint replied. Shit. I guess the world is paying back for what I've done in my past.

End of Hospital pt.2

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