Chapter 22- Confrontation pt.2

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*Natasha's point of view*

"Why are you running?!" Steve yelled. I could feel the tears burn and dry up on my rosey cheeks
"I can't tell you!" I yelled back. I can't tell him because it IS him! Its supposed to be a crush! Just a crush! I can't like him!
"Why?!" He yelled back. I've got to think of an excuse!
"I physically can't!" I yelled again. I don't know why it has escalated this quickly! I just leave! Why does he care anyway?!
"Why?!" His anger only increased, and so did mine.
"Steve! Please!" I pleaded but he kept pushing. It isn't worth this much! Why is he still going?!
"Just tell me!" He yelled again.
"Steve.." I got quieter but I felt like I was about to explode. Everything is overflowing and feelings are displayed. I'm losing control of my mouth and now anything can slip out.
"Nat, just tell me!" He yelled back.


It took me a moment to remember what I said. My face dropped and nothing but feelings left my eyes, streaming down my cheeks, cutting into locked scars as it flowed. The tight grip that Steve held around my arm loosened and his hand fell to his side.

Why did I say that?
Why did I say that?!

I felt my pulse rapidly increase and I was gasping for air. I couldn't see to know what Steve's reaction is. Anxiety swallowed my body into a dark whole. Natural instincts were kicking in and my brain told me to run. Beads of sweat left my forehead as I felt my legs become weak beneath me. My head was heavy and I was in desperate need of a paper bag to calm myself down.

"I... I... I ...gotta go-" I stuttered, my heavy breathing taking over my voice, turning it into a muffled whisper. I stumbled in the direction I thought the door was and thankfully found a handle. I launched myself on the door to make it open and I basically threw myself into the wall directly in front of me. I tried to regain what little balance was left in my body and steadied myself into a stumbling mess, using the wall as support, heading for somewhere to sit, away from Steve.

I made it halfway down the hallway when I heard the door open again and  rapid footsteps running in my direction.
"NATASHA STOP!" The masculine voice called. Distracted by Steve's voice, I fell over my own feet. A sharp pain came to the corner of my forehead and my vision was even blurrier than before. I saw the source of the pain, I had come to the corner of the hallway and must've banged my head on the corner of the wall. Blood was splattered on the corner of the wall.

"NAT!" Steve yelled, running much faster than before. He was by my side in seconds, holding me in his arms on the floor. Rocking me side to side.
"Come on, Nat, Stay with me!" He stuttered. I'd love to but my vision was fading and I could feel my consciousness slipping away. "SOMEBODY HELP!" Steve yelled, clearly seeing my consciousness slip away as well. I heard rapid footsteps again. "Come on, Nat, stay with me!" He repeated. "I love you-" he whispered between his sobs.

He loves me?
The darkness swallowed my weak body, while my consciousness drifted further away, out of my reach.

*Steve's Point of view*

She likes me! She- she actually just said she likes me!! She just said that! It just came out of her mouth! My grip loosened, mainly from the shock of what she just said. I did not expect that! I was paralysed. I couldn't move. I couldn't smile even though I wanted to. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

So many emotions rushed through me. Happiness, excitement, joy, terror, pain, guilt. A mix of emotions. My jaw was wide open, and in my eyes, tears of... an emotion, were forming, threatening to fall.

Her glorious soft skin turned pale while tears fell helplessly from her eyes. She looked... ill. Very ill. Her lips were blue and her skin was whiter than a sheet! I saw sweat form and fall from her brow. Her bottom lip was quivering. She is not well. She is seriously not well.

"I... I... I ...gotta go-" She stuttered. I was so in shock, I didn't even acknowledge that she had gotten out of my grasp and was running away. A loud bang brought me back into reality. My eyes dodged around the gym, looking for her.

Then I noticed the door, The door is open! Without another second to spare, I raced into the hallway and my eyes were drawn to a stumbling figure, desperately pulling themselves along the wall, their head slumped against the wall, dragging their red hair across the wall. Red hair? Natasha! She seriously does not look good!

"NATASHA STOP!" I yelled beginning to jog after her. Just when I thought she was going to stop and wait for me, her foot tumbled over the other, sending her head into the corner of the wall and her entire body was sent plummeting to the black tiled flooring. "NAT!" I yelled desperately!

I sprinted to her side, skidding across the ground to reach her quicker. She had a nasty wound on the top of her head, leaking blood, too much blood! Her face looked tired, stunned, pained, scared. I held her frail body in my arms, although she is physically fit, her mind has taken over her and stopped basically all communication with her legs and arms, she went as far as she could.

"Come on, Nat, Stay with me!" I pleaded, hoping she can hear me. She stirred in my lap, I tightened my grip on her body and that's when I saw a sight that will haunt me till the day I die. You could see the consciousness escaping her face, her eyes were struggling to stay open and she was stirring a lot less than before. She mumbled, I don't think she even realised she was mumbling.

"SOMEBODY HELP!" I yelled out. I heard 2 sets of footsteps and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I wiped hers away, she shouldn't feel pain. She should never feel pain. I let the tears fall. Her eyes were closing.
"Come on, Nat, stay with me!" I repeated, in hope that she could fight off the darkness. She didn't stir anymore. Her eyes were still slightly open. What if this is it? What if I never speak to her again?!
"I love you-" I whispered into her ear as her eyes shut, she was in peace. She couldn't feel anything as long as she was asleep.

"Sir, please move away from her body." The agents were kneeling by her body, thankfully they are medically trained. I hesitantly backed away from her unconscious body, I stood up and put my head in my hands. "Miss? Miss, Can you hear me?" The agents repeated. She didn't reply. I cried into my hands.

"Steve?!" Sam yelled. Startled, I looked up and saw Sam, Wanda and Tony. As soon as Wanda saw her body on the floor, she was running as fast as she could towards her.
"NATASHA!" She yelled, she tried to move the agents out of the way but they told her to stay back. She turned to me and saw me crying, I saw her crying. Without anyother communication, she came over to me and hugged me tight. I wasnt expecting it but I could do with the company. Sam and Tony jogged over and looked up at me.
"What the hell happened to her?!" Tony yelled.
"We aren't sure yet Mr Stark, we are going to get her to the hospital as soon as we can." The agent replied, with that said, Paramedics exited the lift with a stretcher and ran this way. Both Tony was informing JARVIS to tell all avengers about what happened and Sam was punching the wall, Wanda was still crying into my shirt and I was trying my best not to let my heart crumble into thousands of pieces.

The paramedics and the agents lifted Nat onto the strecher and were on the move, heading straight to the hospital. I rode the elevator down to the Garage with the others and followed Nat's Ambulance to the Hospital.

End of Confrontation pt.2

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