Chapter 38- Mission Pt.1

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*Natasha's point of view*

Wanda came and picked me up, I kept up a happy act, trying not to seem so suspicious that I would get questioned. We arrived at the tower a little bit early, but it's better than being late. Wanda was being her usual happy bubbly self, smiling all the time, which I admired given the current mood I was in.
"Hey Nat, you seem a little off, you okay?" Wanda questioned, clearly my spy skills aren't as great as they used to be. I have to get my act together.
"Yeah, I'm okay, just thankful to be working missions again." I replied, not lying just not telling the whole truth.
"Well so am I! I'm so glad we get to work missions again, it's a shame it's with the boys." She pouted and I chuckled.
"Well, Clint's alright, it'll be fine." I smiled.
"What about Steve, huh? He's your partner after all." Wanda smirked. Even though I am pissed off at Steve, I can't bad mouth him. I haven't just lost any love because he didn't text me.
"I repeat, he is only my partner, and he isn't too bad on missions, Tony on the other hand-"
"Oh my god! Don't get me started on Tony! The guy is such a child!" We both laughed at her comment.

We arrived at the jet bays at the top of the tower, everyone was there apart from Tony, not surprising. Tony is amazing but he is annoying on missions, but he does get the job done. Even Nick Fury was here! And Steve. We walked over to Clint who was just listening in on Nick and Steve's conversation.
"Sorry I'm late, guys and girls!" Tony ran into the jet bay that we were all standing at, out of breath clearly. "Let's get this show on the road!"
"Come on, you heard the man, everyone on the jet. Romanoff, can I talk with you first, quickly?" Nick said, I approached him and he very weakly smiled.
"If you need to tap out at any point, let someone know and they'll-"
"Nick, I'll be fine. It's just another mission!" I smiled but Nick didn't.
"Your going to Russia." He said. Wait, what? I stumbled backwards, I went lightheaded. I haven't been back in years. "If you don't feel your ready, then sit out on this-"
"No." I stated, Nick was clearly shocked. "I'm going to have to face my demons at some point. It's only a Country."
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, worried.
"Yes. I'll be fine. I have the team with me." I replied, hiding feelings, I'm so glad my cover is back.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." He walked away, still having a worried expression on his face. I watched him go before joining the others on the jet.

Wanda was sitting on her own and so was Clint, so I sat next to Clint as I can talk to him about the situation with Steve, whom was sitting at the other end of the jet, his eyes clearly glued to my direction.
"What was that about?" Clint asked, obviously he doesn't know where we are going.
"About where we're going." I replied.
"Where are we-" Clint was interrupted by Tony who stood at the front of the jet.

"Hello guys and girls, welcome back Nat." I smiled weakly at Tony's words. "Today, we have a Hydra mission. We get in, we get out. No funny business. We're going to Volgograd, Russia." Tony continued talking but I felt Clint's eyes pierce my skull.

"Nat, are you sure you can do this?" He asked, his entire face was a picture of shock and worry.
"I'm okay, Clint." I answered weakly.
"Natasha, you haven't been back since..." he started but trailed off.
"Clint, I'll be okay. I'm treating it as just another mission. It's only hydra anyway." I answered, stupidly. I know Hydra are connected to the KGB and the Red Room, but Clint didn't.
"Okay Nat. Talk to me if you need to, let me know if you want to tap out and I'll take over." He gave me a weak smile, which I returned.
"I will. Let's listen to Tony before we get yelled at." I chuckled slightly and looked up but Tong had sat down and we were just about to Take off.

After an hour into the flight, everyone was asleep apart from me, Clint and Steve.
"Hey, hows you and Steve? You haven't spoken to him at all." Clint asked me.
"We're okay. He pissed me off last night and I got zero sleep because of it though." I shrugged my shoulders.
"What happened?" Clint furrowed his eyebrows.
"Basically," I huffed. "I asked him to text me when he got home last night and he didn't. I sent so many messages, I was so worried and I got nothing back until 6 this morning."
"Did he explain himself?" He asked.
"Apparently, he walked in to his apartment and fell asleep."
"Maybe you should go talk to him." I turned to face him.
"Not at the moment." I replied, adamantly.
"Nat, does he know about Russia?"
"Yeah but-"
"Then he is worried sick! You should-" Clint was interrupted by Tony yelling down the jet.

"WAKE UP GUYS, WE'RE HERE!" Tony yelled. Deep breaths. In and out.

Everyone began to stand up and retrieve their luggage and weapons. Clint got his bow and arrow, Steve picked up his shield, Tony got his armour on, Bucky picked up his guns and shoved two daggers into his boots (as did I) and Wanda got the leather jacket she stole from me and put on her gloves.

"Our conversation is not over." Clint said, as he walked over to Wanda.

The jet landed a mile from the target, an old abandoned house with guards surrounding any entrance. That already sounds familiar.

"Alright, here's how it's going to go. Wanda, your going in first. You make us an entrance and we go in. Clint, your going to the roof and your firing from above. Cap, your on the ground with Bucky. Nat, your going inside and taking them all down from the inside. I'll fly over head and help where I can. We all clear?" We all nodded. "Okay then, let's roll out."

End of Mission pt 1

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