Chapter 1- Rhythm Of Water

Start from the beginning

A collective laughter passed between all of us. I realised that we all were dwelling upon a single fact; we no longer were interns but rather Residents. And we would be having our own interns soon. A whole new year of everything different and trying harder to make a difference as well.

We clanked our glasses together and cheered for the celebration. I took a small sip in compared to how others just clung their glasses in a single gulp. It smelt like an essence of pleasant craving and I licked my lips to savour it. I wanted it slow because...I wanted it to come back again at me. Bringing forth the first time when I should have (yet I failed to) noticed that there was so much more at play than anticipated. The taste of fresh cherries and blackberries along with something mysterious surged in. And with them came the moment.

"Well? How's the compare?" he questioned, slowly sipping his glass.

"It's amazing! and Better than my Dr. Peppers." I replied, wide eyed. A sly smile crossed on his face. I tried not to spill my drink, because hey! This guy could curve his mouth!

"Either you're sucking up to me or you've got surprisingly refined taste for an intern."

"Neither of those things and surprise is in my resume." I chuckled. His face kept that relaxed expression as he raised his glass.

"To your intern year. In hopes that you don't completely blow out whatever you've worked for."

My heart made a protesting beat of peculiar emptiness. I felt a wave of melancholy washing over my skin as they brought back that fragment here in this place itself. Just the floor below in a dingy, dim and completely packed bar. I was looking everywhere with widened eyes until I found them. I remembered those electric blue eyes and their reflection in mine. I remembered everything because it was my anchor. He was my anchor.

With a smile dancing on my lips, I whispered to myself, "To our year. In hopes that you come back to me."


It was nearly 1o'clock and none of us seemed to be too interested in going back to our apartments. Bryce had sworn that as long as we stayed here, he will stick to us. He was cracking some silly puns around but I found myself slowly drifting off from the conversation.

Edenbrook loomed in front of us, still a giant architecture of sophisticated beauty. One of America's most prestigious hospitals and the best in the city of Boston. I was always in awe whenever I glanced at it and sometimes still had hard time believing that I worked there. But after last year, even with its beauty- only few of us were aware of the terrible flaws it carried. Floors fancy of white marbles. Walls painted pristine against the stains. High and pride etched in the faces of doctors. All those...all those just for a show for the actual reality which was happening behind the walls. Or here in this case, the final floors of the hospital.

Till the 12th floor the lights were blinking like Christmas tree, the ever present sign of a hospital. But then the three floors above were cascaded in darkness. No sign that anything lingered there. There... didn't actually because since the change as we doctors call it 'Diagnostic Reset', everything belonging to the R&D sector of the hospital had been stripped away to nothing.

A wave of laughter hooted suddenly and I was jerked back to my company. They all were happy, pleased and somehow glad that everything went well. For them anyways. But for was still uncertain.

I kept glancing at the clock and waited it to reach ten minutes past 1o'clock. And every second from now was a delightful consolation to me that I would see him again. He had promised that he would show up here...even in front of everyone if that's what it takes.

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