Ryujin's senses detect a sudden surge in his scent, and within a heartbeat, he emits distressed pheromones. Without a moment for the omega to inquire, he is already rising from his seat. "Hey— where are you going?"

"Taking him to the hospital." He replies as a matter of fact, looking — probably for his raincoat in the hall's armoire. This makes her eyes go wide.

"Are you fucking serious?!" She almost shouts but Beomgyu ignores it. "It's pouring heavily outside!"

"So?" He's puts his point across very clearly with that one word, haphazarding with the emergency supplies just to find the raincoat.

Is he going completely off the rails? She can't help but groan, attempting to reason with him once more, "It's almost twelve and the hospital is at the opposite side of the campus, we can't go that far in rain!"

"Who said anything about you? — aah here it is," he quickly wears his newfound trenchcoat and turns to the dining table. Swiftly turning towards the dining table, he covers the distance with long strides. With tender hands, he lifts the kitty, cradling it protectively inside the coat. "You stay, I'll go alone."

"Beomgyu stop being so childish!" She implores urgently, no longer caring about her own distressed scent, it's unsafe and he needs to know it. Not that she cares about his wellbeing, no, never.

"Oh yeah? And letting this poor cat suffer the whole night is very mature right?" He taunts while walking away and it may have come out a bit harsh because of his alpha voice but who are we kidding, it doesn't affect Ryujin at all.

"You'll catch a cold!" She says after his disappearing figure but gets no answer as he has already left. Her shoulders slumps when she groans even louder.


"No kiddo, leaving the dorm after eleven is not permitted." The security guard states sternly, his tone adding an extra layer of superiority. Beomgyu feels his frustration intensify.

"Can't you see it's an emergency?" His alpha demeanor was slipping, his patience waning, but the security guard held firm with an air of unwavering resolve.

"Emergencies can wait till the morning." The taller man squints his eyes and folds his hands. The ravenette wants to get over with it quickly but he's just making it more difficult.

Beomgyu's voice holds a mix of exasperation and urgency. "Do you not know the meaning of emergency?"

The guard raises a brow. "I will not repeat myself agai—"

"Do you want him to repeat then?" Beomgyu doesn't need to confirm who's the owner of the voice; the unmistakable scent of jasmine cuts through the heavy rain. The guard's eyes switch from Beomgyu to the one standing behind him. 

The guard sighs. "A rule is a rule."

"He told you it's an emergency." Ryujin's voice does not falter an inch from authority she holds as she finally walks forwards until she's standing two steps ahead of Beomgyu and he notices she's wearing a similar trenchcoat like his. "Let us go if you don't want my grandfather to hear about this."

The guard carefully examines them both for a few seconds before shaking his head and moving to unlock the door. Ryujin looks back at Beomgyu, smiling slightly and the alpha doesn't know what to feel about this.

She came.

Ryujin has decided to come with him and this alone means the world to him, even if he wouldn't voice this out.

The pair immediately moves out once the huge metal door is unlocked. Easy peasy. Ryujin tsks, using power sometimes is not that morally wrong. Beomgyu is still quite bewildered.

But outside they're met with even bigger problem — the downpour.

"If I get a cold, you're gonna pay the bills," the omega hisses, preparing to face the long run, chaining her trenchcoat till her neck. If anything goes awry, she's already verbally pinpointed the blame.

However, what she absolutely wasn't prepared for was Beomgyu sliding his hand into hers, clasping it securely. Her heart quickens as the scent of chocolate intensifies while she looks at their joint hands.

She looks up and finds him smiling as he utters softly, "Thank you, Ryujin."


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