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Dear body,

I wish I could call you my own but you're not mine. I was born in the body of an impostor. These feminine parts don't belong to me. I don't know if this is some sick joke?! I'm a boy and I have been my whole life so why do you feel the need to torment me with red rivers and excess fat attached to my chest? I'm sorry that you got stuck with an uncooperative host but this isn't me. I can't look at you in the mirror without bursting into tears because that person looking back at me is a stranger. I don't know who they are. In order to make someone I can stand to look at I cut your hair and dye it constantly. I wrap your chest so tight sometimes it hurts. Shots once a week all to make you into something that feels more like myself. But what about when the binder comes off? When I still get mistaken for a girl? This is all your fault!! Why can't you just stop making life harder for me! 

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